Fr3nch13/CakePHP Utilities

AuthComponent extends Component
in package
implements EventDispatcherInterface uses EventDispatcherTrait

Authentication control component class.

Use the cakephp/authentication and cakephp/authorization plugins instead.

Binds access control with user authentication and session management.


Table of Contents


Objects implementing this interface can emit events.


ALL  = 'all'
Constant for 'all'
The query string key used for remembering the referred page when getting redirected to login.


$allowedActions  : array<string|int, string>
Controller actions for which user validation is not required.
$Flash  : FlashComponent
$RequestHandler  : RequestHandlerComponent
$_authenticateObjects  : array<string|int, BaseAuthenticate>
Objects that will be used for authentication checks.
$_authenticationProvider  : BaseAuthenticate|null
The instance of the Authenticate provider that was used for successfully logging in the current user after calling `login()` in the same request
$_authorizationProvider  : BaseAuthorize|null
The instance of the Authorize provider that was used to grant access to the current user to the URL they are requesting.
$_authorizeObjects  : array<string|int, BaseAuthorize>
Objects that will be used for authorization checks.
$_componentMap  : array<string, array<string|int, mixed>>
A component lookup table used to lazy load component objects.
$_config  : array<string, mixed>
Runtime config
$_configInitialized  : bool
Whether the config property has already been configured with defaults
$_defaultConfig  : array<string, mixed>
Default config
$_eventClass  : string
Default class name for new event objects.
$_eventManager  : EventManagerInterface|null
Instance of the Cake\Event\EventManager this object is using to dispatch inner events.
$_registry  : ComponentRegistry
Component registry class used to lazy load components.
$_storage  : StorageInterface|null
Storage object.
$components  : array<string|int, mixed>
Other components utilized by AuthComponent


__construct()  : mixed
__debugInfo()  : array<string, mixed>
Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.
__get()  : mixed
Magic accessor for backward compatibility for property `$sessionKey`.
__set()  : void
Magic setter for backward compatibility for property `$sessionKey`.
allow()  : void
Takes a list of actions in the current controller for which authentication is not required, or no parameters to allow all actions.
authCheck()  : Response|null
Main execution method, handles initial authentication check and redirection of invalid users.
authenticationProvider()  : BaseAuthenticate|null
If login was called during this request and the user was successfully authenticated, this function will return the instance of the authentication object that was used for logging the user in.
authorizationProvider()  : BaseAuthorize|null
If there was any authorization processing for the current request, this function will return the instance of the Authorization object that granted access to the user to the current address.
configShallow()  : $this
Merge provided config with existing config. Unlike `config()` which does a recursive merge for nested keys, this method does a simple merge.
constructAuthenticate()  : array<string, object>|null
Loads the configured authentication objects.
constructAuthorize()  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Loads the authorization objects configured.
deny()  : void
Removes items from the list of allowed/no authentication required actions.
dispatchEvent()  : EventInterface
Wrapper for creating and dispatching events.
flash()  : void
Set a flash message. Uses the Flash component with values from `flash` config.
getAuthenticate()  : BaseAuthenticate|null
Getter for authenticate objects. Will return a particular authenticate object.
getAuthorize()  : BaseAuthorize|null
Getter for authorize objects. Will return a particular authorize object.
getConfig()  : mixed
Returns the config.
getConfigOrFail()  : mixed
Returns the config for this specific key.
getController()  : Controller
Get the controller this component is bound to.
getEventManager()  : EventManagerInterface
Returns the Cake\Event\EventManager manager instance for this object.
identify()  : array<string|int, mixed>|false
Use the configured authentication adapters, and attempt to identify the user by credentials contained in $request.
implementedEvents()  : array<string, mixed>
Events supported by this component.
initialize()  : void
Initialize properties.
isAuthorized()  : bool
Check if the provided user is authorized for the request.
log()  : bool
Convenience method to write a message to Log. See Log::write() for more information on writing to logs.
logout()  : string
Log a user out.
redirectUrl()  : string
Get the URL a user should be redirected to upon login.
setConfig()  : $this
Sets the config.
setEventManager()  : $this
Returns the Cake\Event\EventManagerInterface instance for this object.
setUser()  : void
Set provided user info to storage as logged in user.
startup()  : Response|null
Callback for Controller.startup event.
storage()  : StorageInterface|null
Get/set user record storage object.
user()  : mixed|null
Get the current user from storage.
_configDelete()  : void
Deletes a single config key.
_configRead()  : mixed
Reads a config key.
_configWrite()  : void
Writes a config key.
_getUrlToRedirectBackTo()  : string
Returns the URL to redirect back to or / if not possible.
_getUser()  : bool
Similar to AuthComponent::user() except if user is not found in configured storage, connected authentication objects will have their getUser() methods called.
_isAllowed()  : bool
Checks whether current action is accessible without authentication.
_isLoginAction()  : bool
Normalizes config `loginAction` and checks if current request URL is same as login action.
_loginActionRedirectUrl()  : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Returns the URL of the login action to redirect to.
_setDefaults()  : void
Sets defaults for configs.
_unauthenticated()  : Response|null
Handles unauthenticated access attempt. First the `unauthenticated()` method of the last authenticator in the chain will be called. The authenticator can handle sending response or redirection as appropriate and return `true` to indicate no further action is necessary. If authenticator returns null this method redirects user to login action.
_unauthorized()  : Response|null
Handle unauthorized access attempt



The query string key used for remembering the referred page when getting redirected to login.

public string QUERY_STRING_REDIRECT = 'redirect'



Objects that will be used for authentication checks.

protected array<string|int, BaseAuthenticate> $_authenticateObjects = []


The instance of the Authenticate provider that was used for successfully logging in the current user after calling `login()` in the same request

protected BaseAuthenticate|null $_authenticationProvider


The instance of the Authorize provider that was used to grant access to the current user to the URL they are requesting.

protected BaseAuthorize|null $_authorizationProvider


Objects that will be used for authorization checks.

protected array<string|int, BaseAuthorize> $_authorizeObjects = []


A component lookup table used to lazy load component objects.

protected array<string, array<string|int, mixed>> $_componentMap = []


Whether the config property has already been configured with defaults

protected bool $_configInitialized = false


Default config

protected array<string, mixed> $_defaultConfig = ['authenticate' => null, 'authorize' => null, 'flash' => null, 'loginAction' => null, 'loginRedirect' => null, 'logoutRedirect' => null, 'authError' => null, 'unauthorizedRedirect' => true, 'storage' => 'Session', 'checkAuthIn' => 'Controller.startup']
  • authenticate - An array of authentication objects to use for authenticating users. You can configure multiple adapters and they will be checked sequentially when users are identified.

    $this->Auth->setConfig('authenticate', [
       'Form' => [
          'userModel' => 'Users.Users'

    Using the class name without 'Authenticate' as the key, you can pass in an array of config for each authentication object. Additionally, you can define config that should be set to all authentications objects using the 'all' key:

    $this->Auth->setConfig('authenticate', [
        AuthComponent::ALL => [
           'userModel' => 'Users.Users',
           'scope' => ['' => 1]
  • authorize - An array of authorization objects to use for authorizing users. You can configure multiple adapters and they will be checked sequentially when authorization checks are done.

    $this->Auth->setConfig('authorize', [
       'Crud' => [
           'actionPath' => 'controllers/'

    Using the class name without 'Authorize' as the key, you can pass in an array of config for each authorization object. Additionally you can define config that should be set to all authorization objects using the AuthComponent::ALL key:

    $this->Auth->setConfig('authorize', [
       AuthComponent::ALL => [
           'actionPath' => 'controllers/'
  • flash - Settings to use when Auth needs to do a flash message with FlashComponent::set(). Available keys are:

    • key - The message domain to use for flashes generated by this component, defaults to 'auth'.
    • element - Flash element to use, defaults to 'default'.
    • params - The array of additional params to use, defaults to ['class' => 'error']
  • loginAction - A URL (defined as a string or array) to the controller action that handles logins. Defaults to /users/login.

  • loginRedirect - Normally, if a user is redirected to the loginAction page, the location they were redirected from will be stored in the session so that they can be redirected back after a successful login. If this session value is not set, redirectUrl() method will return the URL specified in loginRedirect.

  • logoutRedirect - The default action to redirect to after the user is logged out. While AuthComponent does not handle post-logout redirection, a redirect URL will be returned from AuthComponent::logout(). Defaults to loginAction.

  • authError - Error to display when user attempts to access an object or action to which they do not have access.

  • unauthorizedRedirect - Controls handling of unauthorized access.

    • For default value true unauthorized user is redirected to the referrer URL or $loginRedirect or '/'.
    • If set to a string or array the value is used as a URL to redirect to.
    • If set to false a ForbiddenException exception is thrown instead of redirecting.
  • storage - Storage class to use for persisting user record. When using stateless authenticator you should set this to 'Memory'. Defaults to 'Session'.

  • checkAuthIn - Name of event for which initial auth checks should be done. Defaults to 'Controller.startup'. You can set it to 'Controller.initialize' if you want the check to be done before controller's beforeFilter() is run.


Default class name for new event objects.

protected string $_eventClass = \Cake\Event\Event::class


Other components utilized by AuthComponent

protected array<string|int, mixed> $components = ['RequestHandler', 'Flash']




public __construct(ComponentRegistry $registry[, array<string, mixed> $config = [] ]) : mixed
$registry : ComponentRegistry

A component registry this component can use to lazy load its components.

$config : array<string, mixed> = []

Array of configuration settings.


Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.

public __debugInfo() : array<string, mixed>
Return values
array<string, mixed>


Magic accessor for backward compatibility for property `$sessionKey`.

public __get(string $name) : mixed
$name : string

Property name


Magic setter for backward compatibility for property `$sessionKey`.

public __set(string $name, mixed $value) : void
$name : string

Property name.

$value : mixed

Value to set.


Takes a list of actions in the current controller for which authentication is not required, or no parameters to allow all actions.

public allow([array<string|int, string>|string|null $actions = null ]) : void

You can use allow with either an array or a simple string.

$this->Auth->allow(['edit', 'add']);

or to allow all actions

$actions : array<string|int, string>|string|null = null

Controller action name or array of actions



Main execution method, handles initial authentication check and redirection of invalid users.

public authCheck(EventInterface $event) : Response|null

The auth check is done when event name is same as the one configured in checkAuthIn config.

$event : EventInterface

Event instance.

Return values


If login was called during this request and the user was successfully authenticated, this function will return the instance of the authentication object that was used for logging the user in.

public authenticationProvider() : BaseAuthenticate|null
Return values


If there was any authorization processing for the current request, this function will return the instance of the Authorization object that granted access to the user to the current address.

public authorizationProvider() : BaseAuthorize|null
Return values


Merge provided config with existing config. Unlike `config()` which does a recursive merge for nested keys, this method does a simple merge.

public configShallow(array<string, mixed>|string $key[, mixed|null $value = null ]) : $this

Setting a specific value:

$this->configShallow('key', $value);

Setting a nested value:

$this->configShallow('some.nested.key', $value);

Updating multiple config settings at the same time:

$this->configShallow(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);
$key : array<string, mixed>|string

The key to set, or a complete array of configs.

$value : mixed|null = null

The value to set.

Return values


Loads the configured authentication objects.

public constructAuthenticate() : array<string, object>|null
Return values
array<string, object>|null

The loaded authorization objects, or null on empty authenticate value.


Loads the authorization objects configured.

public constructAuthorize() : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null

The loaded authorization objects, or null when authorize is empty.


Removes items from the list of allowed/no authentication required actions.

public deny([array<string|int, string>|string|null $actions = null ]) : void

You can use deny with either an array or a simple string.

$this->Auth->deny(['edit', 'add']);



to remove all items from the allowed list

$actions : array<string|int, string>|string|null = null

Controller action name or array of actions



Wrapper for creating and dispatching events.

public dispatchEvent(string $name[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $data = null ][, object|null $subject = null ]) : EventInterface

Returns a dispatched event.

$name : string

Name of the event.

$data : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null

Any value you wish to be transported with this event to it can be read by listeners.

$subject : object|null = null

The object that this event applies to ($this by default).

Return values


Set a flash message. Uses the Flash component with values from `flash` config.

public flash(string|false $message) : void
$message : string|false

The message to set. False to skip.


Getter for authenticate objects. Will return a particular authenticate object.

public getAuthenticate(string $alias) : BaseAuthenticate|null
$alias : string

Alias for the authenticate object

Return values


Getter for authorize objects. Will return a particular authorize object.

public getAuthorize(string $alias) : BaseAuthorize|null
$alias : string

Alias for the authorize object

Return values


Returns the config.

public getConfig([string|null $key = null ][, mixed $default = null ]) : mixed


Reading the whole config:


Reading a specific value:


Reading a nested value:


Reading with default value:

$this->getConfig('some-key', 'default-value');
$key : string|null = null

The key to get or null for the whole config.

$default : mixed = null

The return value when the key does not exist.

Return values

Configuration data at the named key or null if the key does not exist.


Returns the config for this specific key.

public getConfigOrFail(string $key) : mixed

The config value for this key must exist, it can never be null.

$key : string

The key to get.

Return values

Configuration data at the named key


Get the controller this component is bound to.

public getController() : Controller
Return values

The bound controller.


Returns the Cake\Event\EventManager manager instance for this object.

public getEventManager() : EventManagerInterface

You can use this instance to register any new listeners or callbacks to the object events, or create your own events and trigger them at will.

Return values


Use the configured authentication adapters, and attempt to identify the user by credentials contained in $request.

public identify() : array<string|int, mixed>|false

Triggers Auth.afterIdentify event which the authenticate classes can listen to.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|false

User record data, or false, if the user could not be identified.


Events supported by this component.

public implementedEvents() : array<string, mixed>
Return values
array<string, mixed>


Initialize properties.

public initialize(array<string, mixed> $config) : void
$config : array<string, mixed>

The config data.


Check if the provided user is authorized for the request.

public isAuthorized([ArrayAccess|array<string|int, mixed>|null $user = null ][, ServerRequest|null $request = null ]) : bool

Uses the configured Authorization adapters to check whether a user is authorized. Each adapter will be checked in sequence, if any of them return true, then the user will be authorized for the request.

$user : ArrayAccess|array<string|int, mixed>|null = null

The user to check the authorization of. If empty the user fetched from storage will be used.

$request : ServerRequest|null = null

The request to authenticate for. If empty, the current request will be used.

Return values

True if $user is authorized, otherwise false


Convenience method to write a message to Log. See Log::write() for more information on writing to logs.

public log(string $message[, string|int $level = LogLevel::ERROR ][, array<string|int, mixed>|string $context = [] ]) : bool
$message : string

Log message.

$level : string|int = LogLevel::ERROR

Error level.

$context : array<string|int, mixed>|string = []

Additional log data relevant to this message.

Return values

Success of log write.


Get the URL a user should be redirected to upon login.

public redirectUrl([array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $url = null ]) : string

Pass a URL in to set the destination a user should be redirected to upon logging in.

If no parameter is passed, gets the authentication redirect URL. The URL returned is as per following rules:

  • Returns the normalized redirect URL from storage if it is present and for the same domain the current app is running on.
  • If there is no URL returned from storage and there is a config loginRedirect, the loginRedirect value is returned.
  • If there is no session and no loginRedirect, / is returned.
$url : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null

Optional URL to write as the login redirect URL.

Return values

Redirect URL


Sets the config.

public setConfig(array<string, mixed>|string $key[, mixed|null $value = null ][, bool $merge = true ]) : $this


Setting a specific value:

$this->setConfig('key', $value);

Setting a nested value:

$this->setConfig('some.nested.key', $value);

Updating multiple config settings at the same time:

$this->setConfig(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);
$key : array<string, mixed>|string

The key to set, or a complete array of configs.

$value : mixed|null = null

The value to set.

$merge : bool = true

Whether to recursively merge or overwrite existing config, defaults to true.


When trying to set a key that is invalid.

Return values


Returns the Cake\Event\EventManagerInterface instance for this object.

public setEventManager(EventManagerInterface $eventManager) : $this

You can use this instance to register any new listeners or callbacks to the object events, or create your own events and trigger them at will.

$eventManager : EventManagerInterface

the eventManager to set

Return values


Deletes a single config key.

protected _configDelete(string $key) : void
$key : string

Key to delete.


if attempting to clobber existing config


Reads a config key.

protected _configRead(string|null $key) : mixed
$key : string|null

Key to read.


Writes a config key.

protected _configWrite(array<string, mixed>|string $key, mixed $value[, string|bool $merge = false ]) : void
$key : array<string, mixed>|string

Key to write to.

$value : mixed

Value to write.

$merge : string|bool = false

True to merge recursively, 'shallow' for simple merge, false to overwrite, defaults to false.


if attempting to clobber existing config


Returns the URL to redirect back to or / if not possible.

protected _getUrlToRedirectBackTo() : string

This method takes the referrer into account if the request is not of type GET.

Return values


Similar to AuthComponent::user() except if user is not found in configured storage, connected authentication objects will have their getUser() methods called.

protected _getUser() : bool

This lets stateless authentication methods function correctly.

Return values

true If a user can be found, false if one cannot.


Checks whether current action is accessible without authentication.

protected _isAllowed(Controller $controller) : bool
$controller : Controller

A reference to the instantiating controller object

Return values

True if action is accessible without authentication else false


Normalizes config `loginAction` and checks if current request URL is same as login action.

protected _isLoginAction(Controller $controller) : bool
$controller : Controller

A reference to the controller object.

Return values

True if current action is login action else false.


Returns the URL of the login action to redirect to.

protected _loginActionRedirectUrl() : array<string|int, mixed>|string

This includes the redirect query string if applicable.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string


Sets defaults for configs.

protected _setDefaults() : void


Handles unauthenticated access attempt. First the `unauthenticated()` method of the last authenticator in the chain will be called. The authenticator can handle sending response or redirection as appropriate and return `true` to indicate no further action is necessary. If authenticator returns null this method redirects user to login action.

protected _unauthenticated(Controller $controller) : Response|null
$controller : Controller

A reference to the controller object.

Return values

Null if current action is login action else response object returned by authenticate object or Controller::redirect().

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