Fr3nch13/CakePHP Utilities

ErrorHandler extends BaseErrorHandler
in package

Error Handler provides basic error and exception handling for your application. It captures and handles all unhandled exceptions and errors. Displays helpful framework errors when debug mode is on.

Uncaught exceptions

When debug mode is off a ExceptionRenderer will render 404 or 500 errors. If an uncaught exception is thrown and it is a type that ExceptionRenderer does not know about it will be treated as a 500 error.

Implementing application specific exception handling

You can implement application specific exception handling in one of a few ways. Each approach gives you different amounts of control over the exception handling process.

  • Modify config/error.php and setup custom exception handling.
  • Use the exceptionRenderer option to inject an Exception renderer. This will let you keep the existing handling logic but override the rendering logic.

Create your own Exception handler

This gives you full control over the exception handling process. The class you choose should be loaded in your config/error.php and registered as the default exception handler.

Using a custom renderer with exceptionRenderer

If you don't want to take control of the exception handling, but want to change how exceptions are rendered you can use exceptionRenderer option to choose a class to render exception pages. By default Cake\Error\ExceptionRenderer is used. Your custom exception renderer class should be placed in src/Error.

Your custom renderer should expect an exception in its constructor, and implement a render method. Failing to do so will cause additional errors.

Logging exceptions

Using the built-in exception handling, you can log all the exceptions that are dealt with by ErrorHandler by setting log option to true in your config/error.php. Enabling this will log every exception to Log and the configured loggers.

PHP errors

Error handler also provides the built in features for handling php errors (trigger_error). While in debug mode, errors will be output to the screen using debugger. While in production mode, errors will be logged to Log. You can control which errors are logged by setting errorLevel option in config/error.php.

Logging errors

When ErrorHandler is used for handling errors, you can enable error logging by setting the log option to true. This will log all errors to the configured log handlers.

Controlling what errors are logged/displayed

You can control which errors are logged / displayed by ErrorHandler by setting errorLevel. Setting this to one or a combination of a few of the E_* constants will only enable the specified errors:

$options['errorLevel'] = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE;

Would enable handling for all non Notice errors.


for more information on how to customize exception rendering.

Table of Contents


$_config  : array<string, mixed>
Runtime config
$_configInitialized  : bool
Whether the config property has already been configured with defaults
$_defaultConfig  : array<string, mixed>
Options to use for the Error handling.
$_handled  : bool
$logger  : ErrorLoggerInterface|null
Exception logger instance.


__construct()  : mixed
configShallow()  : $this
Merge provided config with existing config. Unlike `config()` which does a recursive merge for nested keys, this method does a simple merge.
getConfig()  : mixed
Returns the config.
getConfigOrFail()  : mixed
Returns the config for this specific key.
getLogger()  : ErrorLoggerInterface
Get exception logger.
getRenderer()  : ExceptionRendererInterface
Get a renderer instance.
handleError()  : bool
Set as the default error handler by CakePHP.
handleException()  : void
Handle uncaught exceptions.
handleFatalError()  : bool
Display/Log a fatal error.
increaseMemoryLimit()  : void
Increases the PHP "memory_limit" ini setting by the specified amount in kilobytes
logException()  : bool
Log an error for the exception if applicable.
mapErrorCode()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Map an error code into an Error word, and log location.
register()  : void
Register the error and exception handlers.
setConfig()  : $this
Sets the config.
wrapAndHandleException()  : void
Checks the passed exception type. If it is an instance of `Error` then, it wraps the passed object inside another Exception object for backwards compatibility purposes.
_configDelete()  : void
Deletes a single config key.
_configRead()  : mixed
Reads a config key.
_configWrite()  : void
Writes a config key.
_displayError()  : void
Display an error.
_displayException()  : void
Displays an exception response body.
_logError()  : bool
Log an error.
_logInternalError()  : void
Log internal errors.
_sendResponse()  : void
Method that can be easily stubbed in testing.
_stop()  : void
Stop the process.



Whether the config property has already been configured with defaults

protected bool $_configInitialized = false


Options to use for the Error handling.

protected array<string, mixed> $_defaultConfig = ['log' => true, 'trace' => false, 'skipLog' => [], 'errorLogger' => \Cake\Error\ErrorLogger::class]




public __construct([array<string, mixed> $config = [] ]) : mixed
$config : array<string, mixed> = []

The options for error handling.


Merge provided config with existing config. Unlike `config()` which does a recursive merge for nested keys, this method does a simple merge.

public configShallow(array<string, mixed>|string $key[, mixed|null $value = null ]) : $this

Setting a specific value:

$this->configShallow('key', $value);

Setting a nested value:

$this->configShallow('some.nested.key', $value);

Updating multiple config settings at the same time:

$this->configShallow(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);
$key : array<string, mixed>|string

The key to set, or a complete array of configs.

$value : mixed|null = null

The value to set.

Return values


Returns the config.

public getConfig([string|null $key = null ][, mixed $default = null ]) : mixed


Reading the whole config:


Reading a specific value:


Reading a nested value:


Reading with default value:

$this->getConfig('some-key', 'default-value');
$key : string|null = null

The key to get or null for the whole config.

$default : mixed = null

The return value when the key does not exist.

Return values

Configuration data at the named key or null if the key does not exist.


Returns the config for this specific key.

public getConfigOrFail(string $key) : mixed

The config value for this key must exist, it can never be null.

$key : string

The key to get.

Return values

Configuration data at the named key


Set as the default error handler by CakePHP.

public handleError(int $code, string $description[, string|null $file = null ][, int|null $line = null ][, array<string, mixed>|null $context = null ]) : bool

Use config/error.php to customize or replace this error handler. This function will use Debugger to display errors when debug mode is on. And will log errors to Log, when debug mode is off.

You can use the 'errorLevel' option to set what type of errors will be handled. Stack traces for errors can be enabled with the 'trace' option.

$code : int

Code of error

$description : string

Error description

$file : string|null = null

File on which error occurred

$line : int|null = null

Line that triggered the error

$context : array<string, mixed>|null = null


Return values

True if error was handled


Display/Log a fatal error.

public handleFatalError(int $code, string $description, string $file, int $line) : bool
$code : int

Code of error

$description : string

Error description

$file : string

File on which error occurred

$line : int

Line that triggered the error

Return values


Increases the PHP "memory_limit" ini setting by the specified amount in kilobytes

public increaseMemoryLimit(int $additionalKb) : void
$additionalKb : int

Number in kilobytes


Log an error for the exception if applicable.

public logException(Throwable $exception[, ServerRequestInterface|null $request = null ]) : bool
$exception : Throwable

The exception to log a message for.

$request : ServerRequestInterface|null = null

The current request.

Return values


Map an error code into an Error word, and log location.

public static mapErrorCode(int $code) : array<string|int, mixed>
$code : int

Error code to map

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of error word, and log location.


Register the error and exception handlers.

public register() : void


Sets the config.

public setConfig(array<string, mixed>|string $key[, mixed|null $value = null ][, bool $merge = true ]) : $this


Setting a specific value:

$this->setConfig('key', $value);

Setting a nested value:

$this->setConfig('some.nested.key', $value);

Updating multiple config settings at the same time:

$this->setConfig(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);
$key : array<string, mixed>|string

The key to set, or a complete array of configs.

$value : mixed|null = null

The value to set.

$merge : bool = true

Whether to recursively merge or overwrite existing config, defaults to true.


When trying to set a key that is invalid.

Return values


Checks the passed exception type. If it is an instance of `Error` then, it wraps the passed object inside another Exception object for backwards compatibility purposes.

public wrapAndHandleException(Throwable $exception) : void

Unused method will be removed in 5.0

$exception : Throwable

The exception to handle


Deletes a single config key.

protected _configDelete(string $key) : void
$key : string

Key to delete.


if attempting to clobber existing config


Reads a config key.

protected _configRead(string|null $key) : mixed
$key : string|null

Key to read.


Writes a config key.

protected _configWrite(array<string, mixed>|string $key, mixed $value[, string|bool $merge = false ]) : void
$key : array<string, mixed>|string

Key to write to.

$value : mixed

Value to write.

$merge : string|bool = false

True to merge recursively, 'shallow' for simple merge, false to overwrite, defaults to false.


if attempting to clobber existing config


Display an error.

protected _displayError(array<string|int, mixed> $error, bool $debug) : void

Template method of BaseErrorHandler.

$error : array<string|int, mixed>

An array of error data.

$debug : bool

Whether the app is in debug mode.


Displays an exception response body.

protected _displayException(Throwable $exception) : void
$exception : Throwable

The exception to display.


When the chosen exception renderer is invalid.


Log an error.

protected _logError(string|int $level, array<string|int, mixed> $data) : bool
$level : string|int

The level name of the log.

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of error data.

Return values


Log internal errors.

protected _logInternalError(Throwable $exception) : void
$exception : Throwable



Stop the process.

protected _stop(int $code) : void

Implemented in subclasses that need it.

$code : int

Exit code.

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