Fr3nch13/CakePHP Utilities


Objects implementing this interface should declare the `implementedEvents()` method to notify the event manager what methods should be called when an event is triggered.

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implementedEvents()  : array<string, mixed>
Returns a list of events this object is implementing. When the class is registered in an event manager, each individual method will be associated with the respective event.



Returns a list of events this object is implementing. When the class is registered in an event manager, each individual method will be associated with the respective event.

public implementedEvents() : array<string, mixed>


 public function implementedEvents()
     return [
         'Order.complete' => 'sendEmail',
         'Article.afterBuy' => 'decrementInventory',
         'User.onRegister' => ['callable' => 'logRegistration', 'priority' => 20, 'passParams' => true]
Return values
array<string, mixed>

Associative array or event key names pointing to the function that should be called in the object when the respective event is fired

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