Fr3nch13/CakePHP Utilities

BelongsToMany extends Association
in package

Represents an M - N relationship where there exists a junction - or join - table that contains the association fields between the source and the target table.

An example of a BelongsToMany association would be Article belongs to many Tags. In this example 'Article' is the source table and 'Tags' is the target table.

Table of Contents


MANY_TO_MANY  = 'manyToMany'
Association type for many to many associations.
MANY_TO_ONE  = 'manyToOne'
Association type for many to one associations.
ONE_TO_MANY  = 'oneToMany'
Association type for one to many associations.
ONE_TO_ONE  = 'oneToOne'
Association type for one to one associations.
SAVE_APPEND  = 'append'
Saving strategy that will only append to the links set
SAVE_REPLACE  = 'replace'
Saving strategy that will replace the links with the provided set
Strategy name to use joins for fetching associated records
Strategy name to use a select for fetching associated records
Strategy name to use a subquery for fetching associated records


$_bindingKey  : array<string|int, string>|string|null
The field name in the owning side table that is used to match with the foreignKey
$_cascadeCallbacks  : bool
Whether cascaded deletes should also fire callbacks.
$_className  : string
The class name of the target table object
$_conditions  : Closure|array<string|int, mixed>
A list of conditions to be always included when fetching records from the target association
$_dependent  : bool
Whether the records on the joint table should be removed when a record on the source table is deleted.
$_finder  : array<string|int, mixed>|string
The default finder name to use for fetching rows from the target table With array value, finder name and default options are allowed.
$_foreignKey  : array<string|int, string>|string
The name of the field representing the foreign key to the table to load
$_joinType  : string
The type of join to be used when adding the association to a query
$_junctionAssociationName  : string
The name of the hasMany association from the target table to the junction table
$_junctionConditions  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Filtered conditions that reference the junction table.
$_junctionProperty  : string
The name of the property to be set containing data from the junction table once a record from the target table is hydrated
$_junctionTable  : Table
Junction table instance
$_junctionTableName  : string
Junction table name
$_name  : string
Name given to the association, it usually represents the alias assigned to the target associated table
$_propertyName  : string
The property name that should be filled with data from the target table in the source table record.
$_saveStrategy  : string
Saving strategy to be used by this association
$_sort  : mixed
Order in which target records should be returned
$_sourceTable  : Table
Source table instance
$_strategy  : string
The strategy name to be used to fetch associated records.
$_tableLocator  : LocatorInterface|null
Table locator instance
$_targetConditions  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Filtered conditions that reference the target table.
$_targetForeignKey  : array<string|int, string>|string|null
The name of the field representing the foreign key to the target table
$_targetTable  : Table
Target table instance
$_through  : Table|string
The table instance for the junction relation.
$_validStrategies  : array<string|int, string>
Valid strategies for this type of association
$defaultTable  : string|null
This object's default table alias.


__call()  : mixed
Proxies method calls to the target table.
__construct()  : mixed
Constructor. Subclasses can override _options function to get the original list of passed options if expecting any other special key
__get()  : Association
Proxies property retrieval to the target table. This is handy for getting this association's associations
__isset()  : bool
Proxies the isset call to the target table. This is handy to check if the target table has another association with the passed name
attachTo()  : void
Alters a Query object to include the associated target table data in the final result
canBeJoined()  : bool
Whether this association can be expressed directly in a query join
cascadeDelete()  : bool
Clear out the data in the junction table for a given entity.
defaultRowValue()  : array<string, mixed>
Returns a modified row after appending a property for this association with the default empty value according to whether the association was joined or fetched externally.
deleteAll()  : int
Proxies the delete operation to the target table's deleteAll method
eagerLoader()  : Closure
Eager loads a list of records in the target table that are related to another set of records in the source table. Source records can be specified in two ways: first one is by passing a Query object setup to find on the source table and the other way is by explicitly passing an array of primary key values from the source table.
exists()  : bool
Proxies the operation to the target table's exists method after appending the default conditions for this association
fetchTable()  : Table
Convenience method to get a table instance.
find()  : Query
Proxies the finding operation to the target table's find method and modifies the query accordingly based of this association configuration.
getBindingKey()  : array<string|int, string>|string
Gets the name of the field representing the binding field with the target table.
getCascadeCallbacks()  : bool
Gets whether cascaded deletes should also fire callbacks.
getClassName()  : string
Gets the class name of the target table object.
getConditions()  : Closure|array<string|int, mixed>
Gets a list of conditions to be always included when fetching records from the target association.
getDependent()  : bool
Sets whether the records on the target table are dependent on the source table.
getFinder()  : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Gets the default finder to use for fetching rows from the target table.
getForeignKey()  : array<string|int, string>|string
Gets the name of the field representing the foreign key to the source table.
getJoinType()  : string
Gets the type of join to be used when adding the association to a query.
getName()  : string
Gets the name for this association, usually the alias assigned to the target associated table
getProperty()  : string
Gets the property name that should be filled with data from the target table in the source table record.
getSaveStrategy()  : string
Gets the strategy that should be used for saving.
getSort()  : mixed
Gets the sort order in which target records should be returned.
getSource()  : Table
Gets the table instance for the source side of the association.
getStrategy()  : string
Gets the strategy name to be used to fetch associated records. Keep in mind that some association types might not implement but a default strategy, rendering any changes to this setting void.
getTableLocator()  : LocatorInterface
Gets the table locator.
getTarget()  : Table
Gets the table instance for the target side of the association.
getTargetForeignKey()  : array<string|int, string>|string
Gets the name of the field representing the foreign key to the target table.
getThrough()  : Table|string
Gets the current join table, either the name of the Table instance or the instance itself.
isOwningSide()  : bool
Returns boolean true, as both of the tables 'own' rows in the other side of the association via the joint table.
junction()  : Table
Sets the table instance for the junction relation. If no arguments are passed, the current configured table instance is returned
link()  : bool
Associates the source entity to each of the target entities provided by creating links in the junction table. Both the source entity and each of the target entities are assumed to be already persisted, if they are marked as new or their status is unknown then an exception will be thrown.
replaceLinks()  : bool
Replaces existing association links between the source entity and the target with the ones passed. This method does a smart cleanup, links that are already persisted and present in `$targetEntities` will not be deleted, new links will be created for the passed target entities that are not already in the database and the rest will be removed.
requiresKeys()  : bool
Returns true if the eager loading process will require a set of the owning table's binding keys in order to use them as a filter in the finder query.
saveAssociated()  : EntityInterface|false
Takes an entity from the source table and looks if there is a field matching the property name for this association. The found entity will be saved on the target table for this association by passing supplied `$options`
setBindingKey()  : $this
Sets the name of the field representing the binding field with the target table.
setCascadeCallbacks()  : $this
Sets whether cascaded deletes should also fire callbacks.
setClassName()  : $this
Sets the class name of the target table object.
setConditions()  : $this
Sets a list of conditions to be always included when fetching records from the target association.
setDependent()  : $this
Sets whether the records on the target table are dependent on the source table.
setFinder()  : $this
Sets the default finder to use for fetching rows from the target table.
setForeignKey()  : $this
Sets the name of the field representing the foreign key to the target table.
setJoinType()  : $this
Sets the type of join to be used when adding the association to a query.
setName()  : $this
Sets the name for this association, usually the alias assigned to the target associated table
setProperty()  : $this
Sets the property name that should be filled with data from the target table in the source table record.
setSaveStrategy()  : $this
Sets the strategy that should be used for saving.
setSort()  : $this
Sets the sort order in which target records should be returned.
setSource()  : $this
Sets the table instance for the source side of the association.
setStrategy()  : $this
Sets the strategy name to be used to fetch associated records. Keep in mind that some association types might not implement but a default strategy, rendering any changes to this setting void.
setTableLocator()  : $this
Sets the table locator.
setTarget()  : $this
Sets the table instance for the target side of the association.
setTargetForeignKey()  : $this
Sets the name of the field representing the foreign key to the target table.
setThrough()  : $this
Sets the current join table, either the name of the Table instance or the instance itself.
transformRow()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Correctly nests a result row associated values into the correct array keys inside the source results.
type()  : string
Get the relationship type.
unlink()  : bool
Removes all links between the passed source entity and each of the provided target entities. This method assumes that all passed objects are already persisted in the database and that each of them contain a primary key value.
updateAll()  : int
Proxies the update operation to the target table's updateAll method
_appendFields()  : void
Helper function used to conditionally append fields to the select clause of a query from the fields found in another query object.
_appendJunctionJoin()  : Query
Append a join to the junction table.
_appendNotMatching()  : void
Conditionally adds a condition to the passed Query that will make it find records where there is no match with this association.
_bindNewAssociations()  : void
Applies all attachable associations to `$query` out of the containments found in the `$surrogate` query.
_camelize()  : string
Creates a camelized version of $name
_checkPersistenceStatus()  : bool
Throws an exception should any of the passed entities is not persisted.
_collectJointEntities()  : array<string|int, EntityInterface>
Returns the list of joint entities that exist between the source entity and each of the passed target entities
_diffLinks()  : array<string|int, mixed>|false
Helper method used to delete the difference between the links passed in `$existing` and `$jointEntities`. This method will return the values from `$targetEntities` that were not deleted from calculating the difference.
_dispatchBeforeFind()  : void
Triggers beforeFind on the target table for the query this association is attaching to
_entityName()  : string
Creates the proper entity name (singular) for the specified name
_extractFinder()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Helper method to infer the requested finder and its options.
_fixtureName()  : string
Creates a fixture name
_formatAssociationResults()  : void
Adds a formatter function to the passed `$query` if the `$surrogate` query declares any other formatter. Since the `$surrogate` query correspond to the associated target table, the resulting formatter will be the result of applying the surrogate formatters to only the property corresponding to such table.
_generateJunctionAssociations()  : void
Generate associations on the junction table as necessary
_generateSourceAssociations()  : void
Generate additional source table associations as necessary.
_generateTargetAssociations()  : void
Generate reciprocal associations as necessary.
_joinCondition()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Return false as join conditions are defined in the junction table
_junctionAssociationName()  : string
Returns the name of the association from the target table to the junction table, this name is used to generate alias in the query and to later on retrieve the results.
_junctionTableName()  : string
Sets the name of the junction table.
_modelKey()  : string
Creates the proper underscored model key for associations
_modelNameFromKey()  : string
Creates the proper model name from a foreign key
_options()  : void
Parse extra options passed in the constructor.
_pluginNamespace()  : string
Return plugin's namespace
_pluginPath()  : string
Find the correct path for a plugin. Scans $pluginPaths for the plugin you want.
_pluralHumanName()  : string
Creates the plural human name used in views
_propertyName()  : string
Returns default property name based on association name.
_saveLinks()  : bool
Creates links between the source entity and each of the passed target entities
_saveTarget()  : EntityInterface|false
Persists each of the entities into the target table and creates links between the parent entity and each one of the saved target entities.
_singularHumanName()  : string
Creates the singular human name used in views
_singularName()  : string
Creates the singular name for use in views.
_variableName()  : string
Creates the plural variable name for views
junctionConditions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns filtered conditions that specifically reference the junction table.
targetConditions()  : array<string|int, mixed>|Closure|null
Returns filtered conditions that reference the target table.



Association type for many to many associations.

public string MANY_TO_MANY = 'manyToMany'


Association type for many to one associations.

public string MANY_TO_ONE = 'manyToOne'


Association type for one to many associations.

public string ONE_TO_MANY = 'oneToMany'


Association type for one to one associations.

public string ONE_TO_ONE = 'oneToOne'


Saving strategy that will only append to the links set

public string SAVE_APPEND = 'append'


Saving strategy that will replace the links with the provided set

public string SAVE_REPLACE = 'replace'


Strategy name to use joins for fetching associated records

public string STRATEGY_JOIN = 'join'


Strategy name to use a select for fetching associated records

public string STRATEGY_SELECT = 'select'


Strategy name to use a subquery for fetching associated records

public string STRATEGY_SUBQUERY = 'subquery'



The field name in the owning side table that is used to match with the foreignKey

protected array<string|int, string>|string|null $_bindingKey


Whether cascaded deletes should also fire callbacks.

protected bool $_cascadeCallbacks = false


The class name of the target table object

protected string $_className


A list of conditions to be always included when fetching records from the target association

protected Closure|array<string|int, mixed> $_conditions = []


Whether the records on the joint table should be removed when a record on the source table is deleted.

protected bool $_dependent = true

Defaults to true for backwards compatibility.


The default finder name to use for fetching rows from the target table With array value, finder name and default options are allowed.

protected array<string|int, mixed>|string $_finder = 'all'


The name of the field representing the foreign key to the table to load

protected array<string|int, string>|string $_foreignKey


The type of join to be used when adding the association to a query

protected string $_joinType = \Cake\ORM\Query::JOIN_TYPE_INNER


The name of the hasMany association from the target table to the junction table

protected string $_junctionAssociationName


Filtered conditions that reference the junction table.

protected array<string|int, mixed>|null $_junctionConditions


The name of the property to be set containing data from the junction table once a record from the target table is hydrated

protected string $_junctionProperty = '_joinData'


Junction table name

protected string $_junctionTableName


Name given to the association, it usually represents the alias assigned to the target associated table

protected string $_name


The property name that should be filled with data from the target table in the source table record.

protected string $_propertyName


Saving strategy to be used by this association

protected string $_saveStrategy = self::SAVE_REPLACE


Order in which target records should be returned

protected mixed $_sort


The strategy name to be used to fetch associated records.

protected string $_strategy = self::STRATEGY_SELECT


Filtered conditions that reference the target table.

protected array<string|int, mixed>|null $_targetConditions


The name of the field representing the foreign key to the target table

protected array<string|int, string>|string|null $_targetForeignKey


The table instance for the junction relation.

protected Table|string $_through


Valid strategies for this type of association

protected array<string|int, string> $_validStrategies = [self::STRATEGY_SELECT, self::STRATEGY_SUBQUERY]


This object's default table alias.

protected string|null $defaultTable = null



Proxies method calls to the target table.

public __call(string $method, array<string|int, mixed> $argument) : mixed
$method : string

name of the method to be invoked

$argument : array<string|int, mixed>

List of arguments passed to the function



Constructor. Subclasses can override _options function to get the original list of passed options if expecting any other special key

public __construct(string $alias[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : mixed
$alias : string

The name given to the association

$options : array<string, mixed> = []

A list of properties to be set on this object


Proxies property retrieval to the target table. This is handy for getting this association's associations

public __get(string $property) : Association
$property : string

the property name


if no association with such name exists

Return values


Proxies the isset call to the target table. This is handy to check if the target table has another association with the passed name

public __isset(string $property) : bool
$property : string

the property name

Return values

true if the property exists


Alters a Query object to include the associated target table data in the final result

public attachTo(Query $query[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : void

The options array accept the following keys:

  • includeFields: Whether to include target model fields in the result or not
  • foreignKey: The name of the field to use as foreign key, if false none will be used
  • conditions: array with a list of conditions to filter the join with
  • fields: a list of fields in the target table to include in the result
  • type: The type of join to be used (e.g. INNER)
$query : Query

the query to be altered to include the target table data

$options : array<string, mixed> = []

Any extra options or overrides to be taken in account


Whether this association can be expressed directly in a query join

public canBeJoined([array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : bool
$options : array<string, mixed> = []

custom options key that could alter the return value

Return values

if the 'matching' key in $option is true then this function will return true, false otherwise


Clear out the data in the junction table for a given entity.

public cascadeDelete(EntityInterface $entity[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : bool
$entity : EntityInterface

The entity that started the cascading delete.

$options : array<string, mixed> = []

The options for the original delete.

Return values



Returns a modified row after appending a property for this association with the default empty value according to whether the association was joined or fetched externally.

public defaultRowValue(array<string|int, mixed> $row, bool $joined) : array<string, mixed>
$row : array<string|int, mixed>

The row to set a default on.

$joined : bool

Whether the row is a result of a direct join with this association

Return values
array<string, mixed>


Proxies the delete operation to the target table's deleteAll method

public deleteAll(ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $conditions) : int
$conditions : ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null

Conditions to be used, accepts anything Query::where() can take.

Return values

Returns the number of affected rows.


Eager loads a list of records in the target table that are related to another set of records in the source table. Source records can be specified in two ways: first one is by passing a Query object setup to find on the source table and the other way is by explicitly passing an array of primary key values from the source table.

public eagerLoader(array<string|int, mixed> $options) : Closure
$options : array<string|int, mixed>

The options for eager loading.

Return values


Proxies the operation to the target table's exists method after appending the default conditions for this association

public exists(ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $conditions) : bool
$conditions : ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null

The conditions to use for checking if any record matches.

Return values


Convenience method to get a table instance.

public fetchTable([string|null $alias = null ][, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : Table
$alias : string|null = null

The alias name you want to get. Should be in CamelCase format. If null then the value of $defaultTable property is used.

$options : array<string, mixed> = []

The options you want to build the table with. If a table has already been loaded the registry options will be ignored.


If $alias argument and $defaultTable property both are null.

Return values


Proxies the finding operation to the target table's find method and modifies the query accordingly based of this association configuration.

public find([array<string, mixed>|string|null $type = null ][, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : Query

If your association includes conditions or a finder, the junction table will be included in the query's contained associations.

$type : array<string, mixed>|string|null = null

the type of query to perform, if an array is passed, it will be interpreted as the $options parameter

$options : array<string, mixed> = []

The options to for the find

Return values


Gets the name of the field representing the binding field with the target table.

public getBindingKey() : array<string|int, string>|string

When not manually specified the primary key of the owning side table is used.

Return values
array<string|int, string>|string


Gets whether cascaded deletes should also fire callbacks.

public getCascadeCallbacks() : bool
Return values


Gets the class name of the target table object.

public getClassName() : string
Return values


Gets a list of conditions to be always included when fetching records from the target association.

public getConditions() : Closure|array<string|int, mixed>

for examples on the format of the array

Return values
Closure|array<string|int, mixed>


Sets whether the records on the target table are dependent on the source table.

public getDependent() : bool

This is primarily used to indicate that records should be removed if the owning record in the source table is deleted.

Return values


Gets the default finder to use for fetching rows from the target table.

public getFinder() : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string


Gets the name of the field representing the foreign key to the source table.

public getForeignKey() : array<string|int, string>|string
Return values
array<string|int, string>|string


Gets the type of join to be used when adding the association to a query.

public getJoinType() : string
Return values


Gets the name for this association, usually the alias assigned to the target associated table

public getName() : string
Return values


Gets the property name that should be filled with data from the target table in the source table record.

public getProperty() : string
Return values


Gets the strategy that should be used for saving.

public getSaveStrategy() : string
Return values

the strategy to be used for saving


Gets the sort order in which target records should be returned.

public getSort() : mixed


Gets the table instance for the source side of the association.

public getSource() : Table
Return values


Gets the strategy name to be used to fetch associated records. Keep in mind that some association types might not implement but a default strategy, rendering any changes to this setting void.

public getStrategy() : string
Return values


Gets the table instance for the target side of the association.

public getTarget() : Table
Return values


Gets the name of the field representing the foreign key to the target table.

public getTargetForeignKey() : array<string|int, string>|string
Return values
array<string|int, string>|string


Gets the current join table, either the name of the Table instance or the instance itself.

public getThrough() : Table|string
Return values


Returns boolean true, as both of the tables 'own' rows in the other side of the association via the joint table.

public isOwningSide(Table $side) : bool
$side : Table

The potential Table with ownership

Return values


Sets the table instance for the junction relation. If no arguments are passed, the current configured table instance is returned

public junction([Table|string|null $table = null ]) : Table
$table : Table|string|null = null

Name or instance for the join table


If the expected associations are incompatible with existing associations.

Return values

Associates the source entity to each of the target entities provided by creating links in the junction table. Both the source entity and each of the target entities are assumed to be already persisted, if they are marked as new or their status is unknown then an exception will be thrown.

public link(EntityInterface $sourceEntity, array<string|int, EntityInterface$targetEntities[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : bool

When using this method, all entities in $targetEntities will be appended to the source entity's property corresponding to this association object.

This method does not check link uniqueness.


$newTags = $tags->find('relevant')->toArray();
$articles->getAssociation('tags')->link($article, $newTags);

$article->get('tags') will contain all tags in $newTags after liking

$sourceEntity : EntityInterface

the row belonging to the source side of this association

$targetEntities : array<string|int, EntityInterface>

list of entities belonging to the target side of this association

$options : array<string, mixed> = []

list of options to be passed to the internal save call


when any of the values in $targetEntities is detected to not be already persisted

Return values

true on success, false otherwise

Replaces existing association links between the source entity and the target with the ones passed. This method does a smart cleanup, links that are already persisted and present in `$targetEntities` will not be deleted, new links will be created for the passed target entities that are not already in the database and the rest will be removed.

public replaceLinks(EntityInterface $sourceEntity, array<string|int, mixed> $targetEntities[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : bool

For example, if an article is linked to tags 'cake' and 'framework' and you pass to this method an array containing the entities for tags 'cake', 'php' and 'awesome', only the link for cake will be kept in database, the link for 'framework' will be deleted and the links for 'php' and 'awesome' will be created.

Existing links are not deleted and created again, they are either left untouched or updated so that potential extra information stored in the joint row is not lost. Updating the link row can be done by making sure the corresponding passed target entity contains the joint property with its primary key and any extra information to be stored.

On success, the passed $sourceEntity will contain $targetEntities as value in the corresponding property for this association.

This method assumes that links between both the source entity and each of the target entities are unique. That is, for any given row in the source table there can only be one link in the junction table pointing to any other given row in the target table.

Additional options for new links to be saved can be passed in the third argument, check Table::save() for information on the accepted options.


$article->tags = [$tag1, $tag2, $tag3, $tag4];
$tags = [$tag1, $tag3];
$articles->getAssociation('tags')->replaceLinks($article, $tags);

$article->get('tags') will contain only [$tag1, $tag3] at the end

$sourceEntity : EntityInterface

an entity persisted in the source table for this association

$targetEntities : array<string|int, mixed>

list of entities from the target table to be linked

$options : array<string, mixed> = []

list of options to be passed to the internal save/delete calls when persisting/updating new links, or deleting existing ones


if non persisted entities are passed or if any of them is lacking a primary key value

Return values



Returns true if the eager loading process will require a set of the owning table's binding keys in order to use them as a filter in the finder query.

public requiresKeys([array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : bool
$options : array<string, mixed> = []

The options containing the strategy to be used.

Return values

true if a list of keys will be required


Takes an entity from the source table and looks if there is a field matching the property name for this association. The found entity will be saved on the target table for this association by passing supplied `$options`

public saveAssociated(EntityInterface $entity[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : EntityInterface|false

When using the 'append' strategy, this function will only create new links between each side of this association. It will not destroy existing ones even though they may not be present in the array of entities to be saved.

When using the 'replace' strategy, existing links will be removed and new links will be created in the joint table. If there exists links in the database to some of the entities intended to be saved by this method, they will be updated, not deleted.

$entity : EntityInterface

an entity from the source table

$options : array<string, mixed> = []

options to be passed to the save method in the target table


if the property representing the association in the parent entity cannot be traversed

Return values

false if $entity could not be saved, otherwise it returns the saved entity


Sets the name of the field representing the binding field with the target table.

public setBindingKey(array<string|int, string>|string $key) : $this

When not manually specified the primary key of the owning side table is used.

$key : array<string|int, string>|string

the table field or fields to be used to link both tables together

Return values


Sets whether cascaded deletes should also fire callbacks.

public setCascadeCallbacks(bool $cascadeCallbacks) : $this
$cascadeCallbacks : bool

cascade callbacks switch value

Return values


Sets the class name of the target table object.

public setClassName(string $className) : $this
$className : string

Class name to set.


In case the class name is set after the target table has been resolved, and it doesn't match the target table's class name.

Return values


Sets a list of conditions to be always included when fetching records from the target association.

public setConditions(mixed $conditions) : $this
$conditions : mixed

list of conditions to be used

Return values


Sets whether the records on the target table are dependent on the source table.

public setDependent(bool $dependent) : $this

This is primarily used to indicate that records should be removed if the owning record in the source table is deleted.

If no parameters are passed the current setting is returned.

$dependent : bool

Set the dependent mode. Use null to read the current state.

Return values


Sets the default finder to use for fetching rows from the target table.

public setFinder(array<string|int, mixed>|string $finder) : $this
$finder : array<string|int, mixed>|string

the finder name to use or array of finder name and option.

Return values


Sets the name of the field representing the foreign key to the target table.

public setForeignKey(array<string|int, string>|string $key) : $this
$key : array<string|int, string>|string

the key or keys to be used to link both tables together

Return values


Sets the type of join to be used when adding the association to a query.

public setJoinType(string $type) : $this
$type : string

the join type to be used (e.g. INNER)

Return values


Sets the name for this association, usually the alias assigned to the target associated table

public setName(string $name) : $this

Changing the association name after object creation is no longer supported. The name should only be set through the constructor.

$name : string

Name to be assigned

Return values


Sets the property name that should be filled with data from the target table in the source table record.

public setProperty(string $name) : $this
$name : string

The name of the association property. Use null to read the current value.

Return values


Sets the strategy that should be used for saving.

public setSaveStrategy(string $strategy) : $this
$strategy : string

the strategy name to be used


if an invalid strategy name is passed

Return values


Sets the sort order in which target records should be returned.

public setSort(mixed $sort) : $this
$sort : mixed

A find() compatible order clause

Return values


Sets the table instance for the source side of the association.

public setSource(Table $table) : $this
$table : Table

the instance to be assigned as source side

Return values


Sets the strategy name to be used to fetch associated records. Keep in mind that some association types might not implement but a default strategy, rendering any changes to this setting void.

public setStrategy(string $name) : $this
$name : string

The strategy type. Use null to read the current value.


When an invalid strategy is provided.

Return values


Sets the table instance for the target side of the association.

public setTarget(Table $table) : $this
$table : Table

the instance to be assigned as target side

Return values


Sets the name of the field representing the foreign key to the target table.

public setTargetForeignKey(array<string|int, string>|string $key) : $this
$key : array<string|int, string>|string

the key to be used to link both tables together

Return values


Sets the current join table, either the name of the Table instance or the instance itself.

public setThrough(Table|string $through) : $this
$through : Table|string

Name of the Table instance or the instance itself

Return values


Correctly nests a result row associated values into the correct array keys inside the source results.

public transformRow(array<string|int, mixed> $row, string $nestKey, bool $joined[, string|null $targetProperty = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$row : array<string|int, mixed>

The row to transform

$nestKey : string

The array key under which the results for this association should be found

$joined : bool

Whether the row is a result of a direct join with this association

$targetProperty : string|null = null

The property name in the source results where the association data shuld be nested in. Will use the default one if not provided.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get the relationship type.

public type() : string
Return values

Removes all links between the passed source entity and each of the provided target entities. This method assumes that all passed objects are already persisted in the database and that each of them contain a primary key value.

public unlink(EntityInterface $sourceEntity, array<string|int, EntityInterface$targetEntities[, array<string|int, string>|bool $options = [] ]) : bool


Additionally to the default options accepted by Table::delete(), the following keys are supported:

  • cleanProperty: Whether to remove all the objects in $targetEntities that are stored in $sourceEntity (default: true)

By default this method will unset each of the entity objects stored inside the source entity.


$article->tags = [$tag1, $tag2, $tag3, $tag4];
$tags = [$tag1, $tag2, $tag3];
$articles->getAssociation('tags')->unlink($article, $tags);

$article->get('tags') will contain only [$tag4] after deleting in the database

$sourceEntity : EntityInterface

An entity persisted in the source table for this association.

$targetEntities : array<string|int, EntityInterface>

List of entities persisted in the target table for this association.

$options : array<string|int, string>|bool = []

List of options to be passed to the internal delete call, or a boolean as cleanProperty key shortcut.


If non persisted entities are passed or if any of them is lacking a primary key value.

Return values



Proxies the update operation to the target table's updateAll method

public updateAll(array<string|int, mixed> $fields, ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $conditions) : int
$fields : array<string|int, mixed>

A hash of field => new value.

$conditions : ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null

Conditions to be used, accepts anything Query::where() can take.

Return values

Count Returns the affected rows.


Helper function used to conditionally append fields to the select clause of a query from the fields found in another query object.

protected _appendFields(Query $query, Query $surrogate, array<string, mixed> $options) : void
$query : Query

the query that will get the fields appended to

$surrogate : Query

the query having the fields to be copied from

$options : array<string, mixed>

options passed to the method attachTo


Append a join to the junction table.

protected _appendJunctionJoin(Query $query[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $conditions = null ]) : Query
$query : Query

The query to append.

$conditions : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null

The query conditions to use.

Return values

The modified query.


Conditionally adds a condition to the passed Query that will make it find records where there is no match with this association.

protected _appendNotMatching(Query $query, array<string|int, mixed> $options) : void
$query : Query

The query to modify

$options : array<string|int, mixed>

Options array containing the negateMatch key.



Applies all attachable associations to `$query` out of the containments found in the `$surrogate` query.

protected _bindNewAssociations(Query $query, Query $surrogate, array<string, mixed> $options) : void

Copies all contained associations from the $surrogate query into the passed $query. Containments are altered so that they respect the associations chain from which they originated.

$query : Query

the query that will get the associations attached to

$surrogate : Query

the query having the containments to be attached

$options : array<string, mixed>

options passed to the method attachTo


Creates a camelized version of $name

protected _camelize(string $name) : string
$name : string


Return values

Camelized name


Throws an exception should any of the passed entities is not persisted.

protected _checkPersistenceStatus(EntityInterface $sourceEntity, array<string|int, EntityInterface$targetEntities) : bool
$sourceEntity : EntityInterface

the row belonging to the source side of this association

$targetEntities : array<string|int, EntityInterface>

list of entities belonging to the target side of this association

Return values


Returns the list of joint entities that exist between the source entity and each of the passed target entities

protected _collectJointEntities(EntityInterface $sourceEntity, array<string|int, mixed> $targetEntities) : array<string|int, EntityInterface>
$sourceEntity : EntityInterface

The row belonging to the source side of this association.

$targetEntities : array<string|int, mixed>

The rows belonging to the target side of this association.


if any of the entities is lacking a primary key value

Return values
array<string|int, EntityInterface>

Helper method used to delete the difference between the links passed in `$existing` and `$jointEntities`. This method will return the values from `$targetEntities` that were not deleted from calculating the difference.

protected _diffLinks(Query $existing, array<string|int, EntityInterface$jointEntities, array<string|int, mixed> $targetEntities[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|false
$existing : Query

a query for getting existing links

$jointEntities : array<string|int, EntityInterface>

link entities that should be persisted

$targetEntities : array<string|int, mixed>

entities in target table that are related to the $jointEntities

$options : array<string, mixed> = []

list of options accepted by Table::delete()

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|false

Array of entities not deleted or false in case of deletion failure for atomic saves.


Triggers beforeFind on the target table for the query this association is attaching to

protected _dispatchBeforeFind(Query $query) : void
$query : Query

the query this association is attaching itself to


Creates the proper entity name (singular) for the specified name

protected _entityName(string $name) : string
$name : string


Return values

Camelized and plural model name


Helper method to infer the requested finder and its options.

protected _extractFinder(array<string|int, mixed>|string $finderData) : array<string|int, mixed>

Returns the inferred options from the finder $type.


The following will call the finder 'translations' with the value of the finder as its options: $query->contain(['Comments' => ['finder' => ['translations']]]); $query->contain(['Comments' => ['finder' => ['translations' => []]]]); $query->contain(['Comments' => ['finder' => ['translations' => ['locales' => ['en_US']]]]]);

$finderData : array<string|int, mixed>|string

The finder name or an array having the name as key and options as value.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Creates a fixture name

protected _fixtureName(string $name) : string
$name : string

Model class name

Return values

Singular model key


Adds a formatter function to the passed `$query` if the `$surrogate` query declares any other formatter. Since the `$surrogate` query correspond to the associated target table, the resulting formatter will be the result of applying the surrogate formatters to only the property corresponding to such table.

protected _formatAssociationResults(Query $query, Query $surrogate, array<string, mixed> $options) : void
$query : Query

the query that will get the formatter applied to

$surrogate : Query

the query having formatters for the associated target table.

$options : array<string, mixed>

options passed to the method attachTo


Generate associations on the junction table as necessary

protected _generateJunctionAssociations(Table $junction, Table $source, Table $target) : void

Generates the following associations:

  • junction belongsTo source e.g. ArticlesTags belongsTo Tags
  • junction belongsTo target e.g. ArticlesTags belongsTo Articles

You can override these generated associations by defining associations with the correct aliases.

$junction : Table

The junction table.

$source : Table

The source table.

$target : Table

The target table.


If the expected associations are incompatible with existing associations.


Generate additional source table associations as necessary.

protected _generateSourceAssociations(Table $junction, Table $source) : void

Generates the following associations:

  • source hasMany junction e.g. Tags hasMany ArticlesTags

You can override these generated associations by defining associations with the correct aliases.

$junction : Table

The junction table.

$source : Table

The source table.


Generate reciprocal associations as necessary.

protected _generateTargetAssociations(Table $junction, Table $source, Table $target) : void

Generates the following associations:

  • target hasMany junction e.g. Articles hasMany ArticlesTags
  • target belongsToMany source e.g Articles belongsToMany Tags.

You can override these generated associations by defining associations with the correct aliases.

$junction : Table

The junction table.

$source : Table

The source table.

$target : Table

The target table.


Return false as join conditions are defined in the junction table

protected _joinCondition(array<string, mixed> $options) : array<string|int, mixed>
$options : array<string, mixed>

list of options passed to attachTo method

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the name of the association from the target table to the junction table, this name is used to generate alias in the query and to later on retrieve the results.

protected _junctionAssociationName() : string
Return values


Sets the name of the junction table.

protected _junctionTableName([string|null $name = null ]) : string

If no arguments are passed the current configured name is returned. A default name based of the associated tables will be generated if none found.

$name : string|null = null

The name of the junction table.

Return values


Creates the proper underscored model key for associations

protected _modelKey(string $name) : string

If the input contains a dot, assume that the right side is the real table name.

$name : string

Model class name

Return values

Singular model key


Creates the proper model name from a foreign key

protected _modelNameFromKey(string $key) : string
$key : string

Foreign key

Return values

Model name


Parse extra options passed in the constructor.

protected _options(array<string, mixed> $options) : void
$options : array<string, mixed>

original list of options passed in constructor


Return plugin's namespace

protected _pluginNamespace(string $pluginName) : string
$pluginName : string

Plugin name

Return values

Plugin's namespace


Find the correct path for a plugin. Scans $pluginPaths for the plugin you want.

protected _pluginPath(string $pluginName) : string
$pluginName : string

Name of the plugin you want ie. DebugKit

Return values

path path to the correct plugin.


Creates the plural human name used in views

protected _pluralHumanName(string $name) : string
$name : string

Controller name

Return values

Plural human name


Returns default property name based on association name.

protected _propertyName() : string
Return values

Creates links between the source entity and each of the passed target entities

protected _saveLinks(EntityInterface $sourceEntity, array<string|int, EntityInterface$targetEntities, array<string, mixed> $options) : bool
$sourceEntity : EntityInterface

the entity from source table in this association

$targetEntities : array<string|int, EntityInterface>

list of entities to link to link to the source entity using the junction table

$options : array<string, mixed>

list of options accepted by Table::save()

Return values



Persists each of the entities into the target table and creates links between the parent entity and each one of the saved target entities.

protected _saveTarget(EntityInterface $parentEntity, array<string|int, mixed> $entities, array<string, mixed> $options) : EntityInterface|false
$parentEntity : EntityInterface

the source entity containing the target entities to be saved.

$entities : array<string|int, mixed>

list of entities to persist in target table and to link to the parent entity

$options : array<string, mixed>

list of options accepted by Table::save()


if the property representing the association in the parent entity cannot be traversed

Return values

The parent entity after all links have been created if no errors happened, false otherwise


Creates the singular human name used in views

protected _singularHumanName(string $name) : string
$name : string

Controller name

Return values

Singular human name


Creates the singular name for use in views.

protected _singularName(string $name) : string
$name : string

Name to use

Return values

Variable name


Creates the plural variable name for views

protected _variableName(string $name) : string
$name : string

Name to use

Return values

Plural name for views


Returns filtered conditions that specifically reference the junction table.

protected junctionConditions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns filtered conditions that reference the target table.

protected targetConditions() : array<string|int, mixed>|Closure|null

Any string expressions, or expression objects will also be returned in this list.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|Closure|null

Generally an array. If the conditions are not an array, the association conditions will be returned unmodified.

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