Fr3nch13/CakePHP Utilities


Contains common code needed by TranslateBehavior strategy classes.

Table of Contents


$locale  : string|null
The locale name that will be used to override fields in the bound table from the translations table
$table  : Table
Table instance
$translationTable  : Table
Instance of Table responsible for translating


afterSave()  : void
Unsets the temporary `_i18n` property after the entity has been saved
buildMarshalMap()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Build a set of properties that should be included in the marshalling process.
getLocale()  : string
Returns the current locale.
getTranslationTable()  : Table
Return translation table instance.
setLocale()  : $this
Sets the locale to be used.
unsetEmptyFields()  : void
Unset empty translations to avoid persistence.



The locale name that will be used to override fields in the bound table from the translations table

protected string|null $locale



Build a set of properties that should be included in the marshalling process.

public buildMarshalMap(Marshaller $marshaller, array<string|int, mixed> $map, array<string, mixed> $options) : array<string|int, mixed>

Add in _translations marshalling handlers. You can disable marshalling of translations by setting 'translations' => false in the options provided to Table::newEntity() or Table::patchEntity().

$marshaller : Marshaller

The marhshaller of the table the behavior is attached to.

$map : array<string|int, mixed>

The property map being built.

$options : array<string, mixed>

The options array used in the marshalling call.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

A map of [property => callable] of additional properties to marshal.


Sets the locale to be used.

public setLocale(string|null $locale) : $this

When fetching records, the content for the locale set via this method, and likewise when saving data, it will save the data in that locale.

Note that in case an entity has a _locale property set, that locale will win over the locale set via this method (and over the globally configured one for that matter)!

$locale : string|null

The locale to use for fetching and saving records. Pass null in order to unset the current locale, and to make the behavior fall back to using the globally configured locale.

Return values


Unset empty translations to avoid persistence.

protected unsetEmptyFields(EntityInterface $entity) : void

Should only be called if $this->_config['allowEmptyTranslations'] is false.

$entity : EntityInterface

The entity to check for empty translations fields inside.

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