Fr3nch13/CakePHP Utilities

Query extends Query
in package
implements JsonSerializable, QueryInterface uses QueryTrait

Extends the base Query class to provide new methods related to association loading, automatic fields selection, automatic type casting and to wrap results into a specific iterator that will be responsible for hydrating results if required.


For a full description of the collection methods supported by this class

Table of Contents


The basis for every query object


Indicates that the operation should append to the list
Indicates that the operation should overwrite the list
Indicates that the operation should prepend to the list


$_repository  : Table
$_autoFields  : bool|null
Tracks whether the original query should include fields from the top level table.
$_beforeFindFired  : bool
True if the beforeFind event has already been triggered for this query
$_cache  : QueryCacher|null
A query cacher instance if this query has caching enabled.
$_connection  : Connection
Connection instance to be used to execute this query.
$_counter  : callable|null
A callable function that can be used to calculate the total amount of records this query will match when not using `limit`
$_deleteParts  : array<string|int, string>
The list of query clauses to traverse for generating a DELETE statement
$_dirty  : bool
Indicates whether internal state of this query was changed, this is used to discard internal cached objects such as the transformed query or the reference to the executed statement.
$_eagerLoaded  : bool
Whether the query is standalone or the product of an eager load operation.
$_eagerLoader  : EagerLoader|null
Instance of a class responsible for storing association containments and for eager loading them when this query is executed
$_formatters  : array<string|int, callable>
List of formatter classes or callbacks that will post-process the results when fetched
$_functionsBuilder  : FunctionsBuilder|null
Instance of functions builder object used for generating arbitrary SQL functions.
$_hasFields  : bool|null
Whether the user select any fields before being executed, this is used to determined if any fields should be automatically be selected.
$_hydrate  : bool
Whether to hydrate results into entity objects
$_insertParts  : array<string|int, string>
The list of query clauses to traverse for generating an INSERT statement
$_iterator  : StatementInterface|null
Statement object resulting from executing this query.
$_mapReduce  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of map-reduce routines that should be applied over the query result
$_options  : array<string|int, mixed>
Holds any custom options passed using applyOptions that could not be processed by any method in this class.
$_parts  : array<string, mixed>
List of SQL parts that will be used to build this query.
$_repository  : RepositoryInterface
Instance of a table object this query is bound to
$_resultDecorators  : array<string|int, callable>
A list of callback functions to be called to alter each row from resulting statement upon retrieval. Each one of the callback function will receive the row array as first argument.
$_results  : iterable<string|int, mixed>|null
A ResultSet.
$_resultsCount  : int|null
The COUNT(*) for the query.
$_selectParts  : array<string|int, string>
The list of query clauses to traverse for generating a SELECT statement
$_selectTypeMap  : TypeMap|null
The Type map for fields in the select clause
$_type  : string
Type of this query (select, insert, update, delete).
$_typeMap  : TypeMap|null
$_updateParts  : array<string|int, string>
The list of query clauses to traverse for generating an UPDATE statement
$_useBufferedResults  : bool
Boolean for tracking whether buffered results are enabled.
$_valueBinder  : ValueBinder|null
The object responsible for generating query placeholders and temporarily store values associated to each of those.
$aliasingEnabled  : bool
Whether aliases are generated for fields.
$typeCastEnabled  : bool
Tracking flag to disable casting


__call()  : mixed
__clone()  : void
Handles clearing iterator and cloning all expressions and value binders.
__construct()  : mixed
__debugInfo()  : array<string, mixed>
Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.
__toString()  : string
Returns string representation of this query (complete SQL statement).
addDefaultTypes()  : $this
Hints this object to associate the correct types when casting conditions for the database. This is done by extracting the field types from the schema associated to the passed table object. This prevents the user from repeating themselves when specifying conditions.
aliasField()  : array<string, string>
Returns a key => value array representing a single aliased field that can be passed directly to the select() method.
aliasFields()  : array<string, string>
Runs `aliasField()` for each field in the provided list and returns the result under a single array.
all()  : ResultSetInterface
Fetch the results for this query.
andHaving()  : $this
Connects any previously defined set of conditions to the provided list using the AND operator in the HAVING clause. This method operates in exactly the same way as the method `andWhere()` does. Please refer to its documentation for an insight on how to using each parameter.
andWhere()  : $this
Connects any previously defined set of conditions to the provided list using the AND operator. This function accepts the conditions list in the same format as the method `where` does, hence you can use arrays, expression objects callback functions or strings.
append()  : CollectionInterface
applyOptions()  : $this
Populates or adds parts to current query clauses using an array.
bind()  : $this
Associates a query placeholder to a value and a type.
cache()  : $this
chunk()  : CollectionInterface
clause()  : mixed
Returns any data that was stored in the specified clause. This is useful for modifying any internal part of the query and it is used by the SQL dialects to transform the query accordingly before it is executed. The valid clauses that can be retrieved are: delete, update, set, insert, values, select, distinct, from, join, set, where, group, having, order, limit, offset and union.
cleanCopy()  : static
Creates a copy of this current query, triggers beforeFind and resets some state.
clearContain()  : $this
Clears the contained associations from the current query.
clearResult()  : $this
Clears the internal result cache and the internal count value from the current query object.
combine()  : CollectionInterface
contain()  : $this
Sets the list of associations that should be eagerly loaded along with this query. The list of associated tables passed must have been previously set as associations using the Table API.
count()  : int
Returns the total amount of results for the query.
countBy()  : CollectionInterface
counter()  : $this
Registers a callable function that will be executed when the `count` method in this query is called. The return value for the function will be set as the return value of the `count` method.
decorateResults()  : $this
Registers a callback to be executed for each result that is fetched from the result set, the callback function will receive as first parameter an array with the raw data from the database for every row that is fetched and must return the row with any possible modifications.
delete()  : $this
Create a delete query.
disableAutoFields()  : $this
Disables automatically appending fields.
disableBufferedResults()  : $this
Disables buffered results.
disableHydration()  : $this
Disable hydrating entities.
disableResultsCasting()  : $this
Disables result casting.
distinct()  : $this
Adds a `DISTINCT` clause to the query to remove duplicates from the result set.
each()  : CollectionInterface
eagerLoaded()  : $this
Sets the query instance to be an eager loaded query. If no argument is passed, the current configured query `_eagerLoaded` value is returned.
enableAutoFields()  : $this
Sets whether the ORM should automatically append fields.
enableBufferedResults()  : $this
Enables/Disables buffered results.
enableHydration()  : $this
Toggle hydrating entities.
enableResultsCasting()  : $this
Enables result casting.
epilog()  : $this
A string or expression that will be appended to the generated query
every()  : bool
execute()  : StatementInterface
Compiles the SQL representation of this query and executes it using the configured connection object. Returns the resulting statement object.
expr()  : QueryExpression
Returns a new QueryExpression object. This is a handy function when building complex queries using a fluent interface. You can also override this function in subclasses to use a more specialized QueryExpression class if required.
extract()  : CollectionInterface
filter()  : CollectionInterface
find()  : static
Apply custom finds to against an existing query object.
first()  : EntityInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|null
Returns the first result out of executing this query, if the query has not been executed before, it will set the limit clause to 1 for performance reasons.
firstOrFail()  : EntityInterface|array<string|int, mixed>
Get the first result from the executing query or raise an exception.
formatResults()  : $this
Registers a new formatter callback function that is to be executed when trying to fetch the results from the database.
from()  : $this
Adds a single or multiple tables to be used in the FROM clause for this query.
func()  : FunctionsBuilder
Returns an instance of a functions builder object that can be used for generating arbitrary SQL functions.
getConnection()  : Connection
Gets the connection instance to be used for executing and transforming this query.
getContain()  : array<string|int, mixed>
getDefaultTypes()  : array<int|string, string>
Gets default types of current type map.
getEagerLoader()  : EagerLoader
Returns the currently configured instance.
getIterator()  : ResultSetInterface
Executes this query and returns a results iterator. This function is required for implementing the IteratorAggregate interface and allows the query to be iterated without having to call execute() manually, thus making it look like a result set instead of the query itself.
getMapReducers()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the list of previously registered map reduce routines.
getOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array with the custom options that were applied to this query and that were not already processed by another method in this class.
getRepository()  : RepositoryInterface
Returns the default table object that will be used by this query, that is, the table that will appear in the from clause.
getRepository()  : Table
Returns the default repository object that will be used by this query, that is, the repository that will appear in the from clause.
getResultFormatters()  : array<string|int, callable>
Returns the list of previously registered format routines.
getSelectTypeMap()  : TypeMap
Gets the TypeMap class where the types for each of the fields in the select clause are stored.
getTypeMap()  : TypeMap
Returns the existing type map.
getValueBinder()  : ValueBinder
Returns the currently used ValueBinder instance.
group()  : $this
Adds a single or multiple fields to be used in the GROUP BY clause for this query.
groupBy()  : CollectionInterface
having()  : $this
Adds a condition or set of conditions to be used in the `HAVING` clause for this query. This method operates in exactly the same way as the method `where()` does. Please refer to its documentation for an insight on how to using each parameter.
identifier()  : ExpressionInterface
Creates an expression that refers to an identifier. Identifiers are used to refer to field names and allow the SQL compiler to apply quotes or escape the identifier.
indexBy()  : CollectionInterface
innerJoin()  : $this
Adds a single `INNER JOIN` clause to the query.
innerJoinWith()  : $this
Creates an INNER JOIN with the passed association table while preserving the foreign key matching and the custom conditions that were originally set for it.
insert()  : $this
Create an insert query.
into()  : $this
Set the table name for insert queries.
isAutoFieldsEnabled()  : bool|null
Gets whether the ORM should automatically append fields.
isBufferedResultsEnabled()  : bool
Returns whether buffered results are enabled/disabled.
isEagerLoaded()  : bool
Returns the current configured query `_eagerLoaded` value
isEmpty()  : bool
isHydrationEnabled()  : bool
Returns the current hydration mode.
isResultsCastingEnabled()  : bool
Returns whether result casting is enabled/disabled.
join()  : $this
Adds a single or multiple tables to be used as JOIN clauses to this query.
jsonSerialize()  : ResultSetInterface
Executes the query and converts the result set into JSON.
last()  : mixed
leftJoin()  : $this
Adds a single `LEFT JOIN` clause to the query.
leftJoinWith()  : $this
Creates a LEFT JOIN with the passed association table while preserving the foreign key matching and the custom conditions that were originally set for it.
limit()  : $this
Sets the number of records that should be retrieved from database, accepts an integer or an expression object that evaluates to an integer.
map()  : CollectionInterface
mapReduce()  : $this
Register a new MapReduce routine to be executed on top of the database results Both the mapper and caller callable should be invokable objects.
matching()  : $this
Adds filtering conditions to this query to only bring rows that have a relation to another from an associated table, based on conditions in the associated table.
max()  : mixed
min()  : mixed
modifier()  : $this
Adds a single or multiple `SELECT` modifiers to be used in the `SELECT`.
nest()  : CollectionInterface
newExpr()  : QueryExpression
Returns a new QueryExpression object. This is a handy function when building complex queries using a fluent interface. You can also override this function in subclasses to use a more specialized QueryExpression class if required.
notMatching()  : $this
Adds filtering conditions to this query to only bring rows that have no match to another from an associated table, based on conditions in the associated table.
offset()  : $this
Sets the number of records that should be skipped from the original result set This is commonly used for paginating large results. Accepts an integer or an expression object that evaluates to an integer.
order()  : $this
Adds a single or multiple fields to be used in the ORDER clause for this query.
orderAsc()  : $this
Add an ORDER BY clause with an ASC direction.
orderDesc()  : $this
Add an ORDER BY clause with a DESC direction.
page()  : $this
Set the page of results you want.
reduce()  : mixed
reject()  : CollectionInterface
removeJoin()  : $this
Remove a join if it has been defined.
repository()  : $this
Set the default Table object that will be used by this query and form the `FROM` clause.
rightJoin()  : $this
Adds a single `RIGHT JOIN` clause to the query.
rowCountAndClose()  : int
Executes the SQL of this query and immediately closes the statement before returning the row count of records changed.
sample()  : CollectionInterface
select()  : $this
Adds new fields to be returned by a `SELECT` statement when this query is executed. Fields can be passed as an array of strings, array of expression objects, a single expression or a single string.
selectAllExcept()  : $this
All the fields associated with the passed table except the excluded fields will be added to the select clause of the query. Passed excluded fields should not be aliased.
set()  : $this
Set one or many fields to update.
setConnection()  : $this
Sets the connection instance to be used for executing and transforming this query.
setDefaultTypes()  : $this
Overwrite the default type mappings for fields in the implementing object.
setEagerLoader()  : $this
Sets the instance of the eager loader class to use for loading associations and storing containments.
setResult()  : $this
Set the result set for a query.
setSelectTypeMap()  : $this
Sets the TypeMap class where the types for each of the fields in the select clause are stored.
setTypeMap()  : $this
Creates a new TypeMap if $typeMap is an array, otherwise exchanges it for the given one.
setValueBinder()  : $this
Overwrite the current value binder
shuffle()  : CollectionInterface
skip()  : CollectionInterface
some()  : bool
sortBy()  : CollectionInterface
sql()  : string
Returns the SQL representation of this object.
stopWhen()  : CollectionInterface
subquery()  : static
Returns a new Query that has automatic field aliasing disabled.
sumOf()  : float
take()  : CollectionInterface
toArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array representation of the results after executing the query.
toArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array representation of the results after executing the query.
toList()  : array<string|int, mixed>
traverse()  : $this
Will iterate over every specified part. Traversing functions can aggregate results using variables in the closure or instance variables. This function is commonly used as a way for traversing all query parts that are going to be used for constructing a query.
traverseExpressions()  : $this
This function works similar to the traverse() function, with the difference that it does a full depth traversal of the entire expression tree. This will execute the provided callback function for each ExpressionInterface object that is stored inside this query at any nesting depth in any part of the query.
traverseParts()  : $this
Will iterate over the provided parts.
triggerBeforeFind()  : void
Trigger the beforeFind event on the query's repository object.
type()  : string
Returns the type of this query (select, insert, update, delete)
union()  : $this
Adds a complete query to be used in conjunction with an UNION operator with this query. This is used to combine the result set of this query with the one that will be returned by the passed query. You can add as many queries as you required by calling multiple times this method with different queries.
unionAll()  : $this
Adds a complete query to be used in conjunction with the UNION ALL operator with this query. This is used to combine the result set of this query with the one that will be returned by the passed query. You can add as many queries as you required by calling multiple times this method with different queries.
update()  : $this
Create an update query.
values()  : $this
Set the values for an insert query.
where()  : $this
Adds a condition or set of conditions to be used in the WHERE clause for this query. Conditions can be expressed as an array of fields as keys with comparison operators in it, the values for the array will be used for comparing the field to such literal. Finally, conditions can be expressed as a single string or an array of strings.
whereInList()  : $this
Adds an IN condition or set of conditions to be used in the WHERE clause for this query.
whereNotInList()  : $this
Adds a NOT IN condition or set of conditions to be used in the WHERE clause for this query.
whereNotInListOrNull()  : $this
Adds a NOT IN condition or set of conditions to be used in the WHERE clause for this query. This also allows the field to be null with a IS NULL condition since the null value would cause the NOT IN condition to always fail.
whereNotNull()  : $this
Convenience method that adds a NOT NULL condition to the query
whereNull()  : $this
Convenience method that adds a IS NULL condition to the query
window()  : $this
Adds a named window expression.
with()  : $this
Adds a new common table expression (CTE) to the query.
zip()  : CollectionInterface
zipWith()  : CollectionInterface
_addAssociationsToTypeMap()  : void
Used to recursively add contained association column types to the query.
_addDefaultFields()  : void
Inspects if there are any set fields for selecting, otherwise adds all the fields for the default table.
_addDefaultSelectTypes()  : void
Sets the default types for converting the fields in the select clause
_conjugate()  : void
Helper function used to build conditions by composing QueryExpression objects.
_decorateResults()  : ResultSetInterface
Decorates the results iterator with MapReduce routines and formatters
_decorateStatement()  : CallbackStatement|StatementInterface
Auxiliary function used to wrap the original statement from the driver with any registered callbacks.
_decoratorClass()  : string
Returns the name of the class to be used for decorating results
_dirty()  : void
Marks a query as dirty, removing any preprocessed information from in memory caching such as previous results
_execute()  : ResultSetInterface
Executes this query and returns a ResultSet object containing the results.
_expressionsVisitor()  : void
Query parts traversal method used by traverseExpressions()
_makeJoin()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array that can be passed to the join method describing a single join clause
_performCount()  : int
Performs and returns the COUNT(*) for the query.
_transformQuery()  : void
Applies some defaults to the query object before it is executed.



Indicates that the operation should append to the list

public int APPEND = 0


public string JOIN_TYPE_INNER = 'INNER'


public string JOIN_TYPE_LEFT = 'LEFT'


public string JOIN_TYPE_RIGHT = 'RIGHT'


Indicates that the operation should overwrite the list

public bool OVERWRITE = true


Indicates that the operation should prepend to the list

public int PREPEND = 1



public Table $_repository

Instance of a table object this query is bound to.


Tracks whether the original query should include fields from the top level table.

protected bool|null $_autoFields


True if the beforeFind event has already been triggered for this query

protected bool $_beforeFindFired = false


A query cacher instance if this query has caching enabled.

protected QueryCacher|null $_cache


Connection instance to be used to execute this query.

protected Connection $_connection


A callable function that can be used to calculate the total amount of records this query will match when not using `limit`

protected callable|null $_counter


The list of query clauses to traverse for generating a DELETE statement

This property is unused.

protected array<string|int, string> $_deleteParts = ['with', 'delete', 'modifier', 'from', 'where', 'epilog']


Indicates whether internal state of this query was changed, this is used to discard internal cached objects such as the transformed query or the reference to the executed statement.

protected bool $_dirty = false


Whether the query is standalone or the product of an eager load operation.

protected bool $_eagerLoaded = false


Instance of a class responsible for storing association containments and for eager loading them when this query is executed

protected EagerLoader|null $_eagerLoader


List of formatter classes or callbacks that will post-process the results when fetched

protected array<string|int, callable> $_formatters = []


Instance of functions builder object used for generating arbitrary SQL functions.

protected FunctionsBuilder|null $_functionsBuilder


Whether the user select any fields before being executed, this is used to determined if any fields should be automatically be selected.

protected bool|null $_hasFields


Whether to hydrate results into entity objects

protected bool $_hydrate = true


The list of query clauses to traverse for generating an INSERT statement

This property is unused.

protected array<string|int, string> $_insertParts = ['with', 'insert', 'values', 'epilog']


List of map-reduce routines that should be applied over the query result

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_mapReduce = []


Holds any custom options passed using applyOptions that could not be processed by any method in this class.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $_options = []


List of SQL parts that will be used to build this query.

protected array<string, mixed> $_parts = ['delete' => true, 'update' => [], 'set' => [], 'insert' => [], 'values' => [], 'with' => [], 'select' => [], 'distinct' => false, 'modifier' => [], 'from' => [], 'join' => [], 'where' => null, 'group' => [], 'having' => null, 'window' => [], 'order' => null, 'limit' => null, 'offset' => null, 'union' => [], 'epilog' => null]


A list of callback functions to be called to alter each row from resulting statement upon retrieval. Each one of the callback function will receive the row array as first argument.

protected array<string|int, callable> $_resultDecorators = []


The COUNT(*) for the query.

protected int|null $_resultsCount

When set, count query execution will be bypassed.


The list of query clauses to traverse for generating a SELECT statement

This property is unused.

protected array<string|int, string> $_selectParts = ['with', 'select', 'from', 'join', 'where', 'group', 'having', 'order', 'limit', 'offset', 'union', 'epilog']


The Type map for fields in the select clause

protected TypeMap|null $_selectTypeMap


Type of this query (select, insert, update, delete).

protected string $_type = 'select'


The list of query clauses to traverse for generating an UPDATE statement

This property is unused.

protected array<string|int, string> $_updateParts = ['with', 'update', 'set', 'where', 'epilog']


Boolean for tracking whether buffered results are enabled.

protected bool $_useBufferedResults = true


The object responsible for generating query placeholders and temporarily store values associated to each of those.

protected ValueBinder|null $_valueBinder


Whether aliases are generated for fields.

protected bool $aliasingEnabled = true


Tracking flag to disable casting

protected bool $typeCastEnabled = true




public __call(string $method, array<string|int, mixed> $arguments) : mixed
$method : string

the method to call

$arguments : array<string|int, mixed>

list of arguments for the method to call


if the method is called for a non-select query


Handles clearing iterator and cloning all expressions and value binders.

public __clone() : void

Handles cloning eager loaders.



public __construct(Connection $connection, Table $table) : mixed
$connection : Connection

The connection object

$table : Table

The table this query is starting on


Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.

public __debugInfo() : array<string, mixed>
Return values
array<string, mixed>


Returns string representation of this query (complete SQL statement).

public __toString() : string
Return values


Hints this object to associate the correct types when casting conditions for the database. This is done by extracting the field types from the schema associated to the passed table object. This prevents the user from repeating themselves when specifying conditions.

public addDefaultTypes(Table $table) : $this

This method returns the same query object for chaining.

$table : Table

The table to pull types from

Return values


Returns a key => value array representing a single aliased field that can be passed directly to the select() method.

public aliasField(string $field[, string|null $alias = null ]) : array<string, string>

The key will contain the alias and the value the actual field name.

If the field is already aliased, then it will not be changed. If no $alias is passed, the default table for this query will be used.

$field : string

The field to alias

$alias : string|null = null

the alias used to prefix the field

Return values
array<string, string>


Runs `aliasField()` for each field in the provided list and returns the result under a single array.

public aliasFields(array<string|int, mixed> $fields[, string|null $defaultAlias = null ]) : array<string, string>
$fields : array<string|int, mixed>

The fields to alias

$defaultAlias : string|null = null

The default alias

Return values
array<string, string>


Connects any previously defined set of conditions to the provided list using the AND operator in the HAVING clause. This method operates in exactly the same way as the method `andWhere()` does. Please refer to its documentation for an insight on how to using each parameter.

public andHaving(ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string $conditions[, array<string, string> $types = [] ]) : $this

Having fields are not suitable for use with user supplied data as they are not sanitized by the query builder.

$conditions : ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string

The AND conditions for HAVING.

$types : array<string, string> = []

Associative array of type names used to bind values to query

Return values


Connects any previously defined set of conditions to the provided list using the AND operator. This function accepts the conditions list in the same format as the method `where` does, hence you can use arrays, expression objects callback functions or strings.

public andWhere(ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string $conditions[, array<string, string> $types = [] ]) : $this

It is important to notice that when calling this function, any previous set of conditions defined for this query will be treated as a single argument for the AND operator. This function will not only operate the most recently defined condition, but all the conditions as a whole.

When using an array for defining conditions, creating constraints form each array entry will use the same logic as with the where() function. This means that each array entry will be joined to the other using the AND operator, unless you nest the conditions in the array using other operator.


$query->where(['title' => 'Hello World')->andWhere(['author_id' => 1]);

Will produce:

WHERE title = 'Hello World' AND author_id = 1

  ->where(['OR' => ['published' => false, 'published is NULL']])
  ->andWhere(['author_id' => 1, 'comments_count >' => 10])


WHERE (published = 0 OR published IS NULL) AND author_id = 1 AND comments_count > 10

  ->where(['title' => 'Foo'])
  ->andWhere(function ($exp, $query) {
    return $exp
      ->or(['author_id' => 1])
      ->add(['author_id' => 2]);

Generates the following conditions:

WHERE (title = 'Foo') AND (author_id = 1 OR author_id = 2)

$conditions : ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string

The conditions to add with AND.

$types : array<string, string> = []

Associative array of type names used to bind values to query

Return values


public append([array<string|int, mixed>|Traversable $items = ]) : CollectionInterface

Appends more rows to the result of the query.

$items : array<string|int, mixed>|Traversable =
Return values


Populates or adds parts to current query clauses using an array.

public applyOptions(array<string, mixed> $options) : $this

This is handy for passing all query clauses at once.

The method accepts the following query clause related options:

  • fields: Maps to the select method
  • conditions: Maps to the where method
  • limit: Maps to the limit method
  • order: Maps to the order method
  • offset: Maps to the offset method
  • group: Maps to the group method
  • having: Maps to the having method
  • contain: Maps to the contain options for eager loading
  • join: Maps to the join method
  • page: Maps to the page method

All other options will not affect the query, but will be stored as custom options that can be read via getOptions(). Furthermore they are automatically passed to Model.beforeFind.


  'fields' => ['id', 'name'],
  'conditions' => [
    'created >=' => '2013-01-01'
  'limit' => 10,

Is equivalent to:

  ->select(['id', 'name'])
  ->where(['created >=' => '2013-01-01'])

Custom options can be read via getOptions():

  'fields' => ['id', 'name'],
  'custom' => 'value',

Here $options will hold ['custom' => 'value'] (the fields option will be applied to the query instead of being stored, as it's a query clause related option):

$options = $query->getOptions();
$options : array<string, mixed>

The options to be applied

Return values


Associates a query placeholder to a value and a type.

public bind(string|int $param, mixed $value[, string|int|null $type = null ]) : $this
$query->bind(':id', 1, 'integer');
$param : string|int

placeholder to be replaced with quoted version of $value

$value : mixed

The value to be bound

$type : string|int|null = null

the mapped type name, used for casting when sending to database

Return values



public cache(Closure|string|false $key[, CacheEngine|string $config = 'default' ]) : $this
$key : Closure|string|false

Either the cache key or a function to generate the cache key. When using a function, this query instance will be supplied as an argument.

$config : CacheEngine|string = 'default'

Either the name of the cache config to use, or a cache config instance.


When you attempt to cache a non-select query.

Return values


Returns any data that was stored in the specified clause. This is useful for modifying any internal part of the query and it is used by the SQL dialects to transform the query accordingly before it is executed. The valid clauses that can be retrieved are: delete, update, set, insert, values, select, distinct, from, join, set, where, group, having, order, limit, offset and union.

public clause(string $name) : mixed

The return value for each of those parts may vary. Some clauses use QueryExpression to internally store their state, some use arrays and others may use booleans or integers. This is summary of the return types for each clause.

  • update: string The name of the table to update
  • set: QueryExpression
  • insert: array, will return an array containing the table + columns.
  • values: ValuesExpression
  • select: array, will return empty array when no fields are set
  • distinct: boolean
  • from: array of tables
  • join: array
  • set: array
  • where: QueryExpression, returns null when not set
  • group: array
  • having: QueryExpression, returns null when not set
  • order: OrderByExpression, returns null when not set
  • limit: integer or QueryExpression, null when not set
  • offset: integer or QueryExpression, null when not set
  • union: array
$name : string

name of the clause to be returned


When the named clause does not exist.


Creates a copy of this current query, triggers beforeFind and resets some state.

public cleanCopy() : static

The following state will be cleared:

  • autoFields
  • limit
  • offset
  • map/reduce functions
  • result formatters
  • order
  • containments

This method creates query clones that are useful when working with subqueries.

Return values


Clears the contained associations from the current query.

public clearContain() : $this
Return values


Clears the internal result cache and the internal count value from the current query object.

public clearResult() : $this
Return values


public combine([mixed $k = ][, mixed $v = ][, mixed $g = null ]) : CollectionInterface

Returns the values of the column $v index by column $k, and grouped by $g.

$k : mixed =
$v : mixed =
$g : mixed = null
Return values


Sets the list of associations that should be eagerly loaded along with this query. The list of associated tables passed must have been previously set as associations using the Table API.

public contain(array<string|int, mixed>|string $associations[, callable|bool $override = false ]) : $this


// Bring articles' author information

// Also bring the category and tags associated to each article
$query->contain(['Category', 'Tag']);

Associations can be arbitrarily nested using dot notation or nested arrays, this allows this object to calculate joins or any additional queries that must be executed to bring the required associated data.


// Eager load the product info, and for each product load other 2 associations
$query->contain(['Product' => ['Manufacturer', 'Distributor']);

// Which is equivalent to calling
$query->contain(['Products.Manufactures', 'Products.Distributors']);

// For an author query, load his region, state and country

It is possible to control the conditions and fields selected for each of the contained associations:


$query->contain(['Tags' => function ($q) {
    return $q->where(['Tags.is_popular' => true]);

$query->contain(['Products.Manufactures' => function ($q) {
    return $q->select(['name'])->where(['' => true]);

Each association might define special options when eager loaded, the allowed options that can be set per association are:

  • foreignKey: Used to set a different field to match both tables, if set to false no join conditions will be generated automatically. false can only be used on joinable associations and cannot be used with hasMany or belongsToMany associations.
  • fields: An array with the fields that should be fetched from the association.
  • finder: The finder to use when loading associated records. Either the name of the finder as a string, or an array to define options to pass to the finder.
  • queryBuilder: Equivalent to passing a callable instead of an options array.


// Set options for the hasMany articles that will be eagerly loaded for an author
    'Articles' => [
        'fields' => ['title', 'author_id']

Finders can be configured to use options.

// Retrieve translations for the articles, but only those for the `en` and `es` locales
    'Articles' => [
        'finder' => [
            'translations' => [
                'locales' => ['en', 'es']

When containing associations, it is important to include foreign key columns. Failing to do so will trigger exceptions.

// Use a query builder to add conditions to the containment
$query->contain('Authors', function ($q) {
    return $q->where(...); // add conditions
// Use special join conditions for multiple containments in the same method call
    'Authors' => [
        'foreignKey' => false,
        'queryBuilder' => function ($q) {
            return $q->where(...); // Add full filtering conditions
    'Tags' => function ($q) {
        return $q->where(...); // add conditions

If called with an empty first argument and $override is set to true, the previous list will be emptied.

$associations : array<string|int, mixed>|string

List of table aliases to be queried.

$override : callable|bool = false

The query builder for the association, or if associations is an array, a bool on whether to override previous list with the one passed defaults to merging previous list with the new one.

Return values


Returns the total amount of results for the query.

public count() : int

Returns the COUNT(*) for the query. If the query has not been modified, and the count has already been performed the cached value is returned

Return values


Registers a callable function that will be executed when the `count` method in this query is called. The return value for the function will be set as the return value of the `count` method.

public counter(callable|null $counter) : $this

This is particularly useful when you need to optimize a query for returning the count, for example removing unnecessary joins, removing group by or just return an estimated number of rows.

The callback will receive as first argument a clone of this query and not this query itself.

If the first param is a null value, the built-in counter function will be called instead

$counter : callable|null

The counter value

Return values


Registers a callback to be executed for each result that is fetched from the result set, the callback function will receive as first parameter an array with the raw data from the database for every row that is fetched and must return the row with any possible modifications.

public decorateResults(callable|null $callback[, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

Callbacks will be executed lazily, if only 3 rows are fetched for database it will called 3 times, event though there might be more rows to be fetched in the cursor.

Callbacks are stacked in the order they are registered, if you wish to reset the stack the call this function with the second parameter set to true.

If you wish to remove all decorators from the stack, set the first parameter to null and the second to true.


$query->decorateResults(function ($row) {
  $row['order_total'] = $row['subtotal'] + ($row['subtotal'] * $row['tax']);
   return $row;
$callback : callable|null

The callback to invoke when results are fetched.

$overwrite : bool = false

Whether this should append or replace all existing decorators.

Return values


Create a delete query.

public delete([string|null $table = null ]) : $this

This changes the query type to be 'delete'. Can be combined with the where() method to create delete queries.

$table : string|null = null

Unused parameter.

Return values


Disables automatically appending fields.

public disableAutoFields() : $this
Return values


Disables buffered results.

public disableBufferedResults() : $this

Disabling buffering will consume less memory as fetched results are not remembered for future iterations.

Return values


Disable hydrating entities.

public disableHydration() : $this

Disabling hydration will cause array results to be returned for the query instead of entities.

Return values


Disables result casting.

public disableResultsCasting() : $this

When disabled, the fields will be returned as received from the database driver (which in most environments means they are being returned as strings), which can improve performance with larger datasets.

Return values


Adds a `DISTINCT` clause to the query to remove duplicates from the result set.

public distinct([ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string|bool $on = [] ][, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

This clause can only be used for select statements.

If you wish to filter duplicates based of those rows sharing a particular field or set of fields, you may pass an array of fields to filter on. Beware that this option might not be fully supported in all database systems.


// Filters products with the same name and city
$query->select(['name', 'city'])->from('products')->distinct();

// Filters products in the same city

// Filter products with the same name
$query->distinct(['name'], true);
$query->distinct('name', true);
$on : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string|bool = []

Enable/disable distinct class or list of fields to be filtered on

$overwrite : bool = false

whether to reset fields with passed list or not

Return values


Sets the query instance to be an eager loaded query. If no argument is passed, the current configured query `_eagerLoaded` value is returned.

public eagerLoaded(bool $value) : $this
$value : bool

Whether to eager load.

Return values


Sets whether the ORM should automatically append fields.

public enableAutoFields([bool $value = true ]) : $this

By default calling select() will disable auto-fields. You can re-enable auto-fields with this method.

$value : bool = true

Set true to enable, false to disable.

Return values


Enables/Disables buffered results.

public enableBufferedResults([bool $enable = true ]) : $this

When enabled the results returned by this Query will be buffered. This enables you to iterate a result set multiple times, or both cache and iterate it.

When disabled it will consume less memory as fetched results are not remembered for future iterations.

$enable : bool = true

Whether to enable buffering

Return values


Toggle hydrating entities.

public enableHydration([bool $enable = true ]) : $this

If set to false array results will be returned for the query.

$enable : bool = true

Use a boolean to set the hydration mode.

Return values


Enables result casting.

public enableResultsCasting() : $this

When enabled, the fields in the results returned by this Query will be cast to their corresponding PHP data type.

Return values


A string or expression that will be appended to the generated query

public epilog([ExpressionInterface|string|null $expression = null ]) : $this


$query->select('id')->where(['author_id' => 1])->epilog('FOR UPDATE');
 ->insert('articles', ['title'])
 ->values(['author_id' => 1])
 ->epilog('RETURNING id');

Epliog content is raw SQL and not suitable for use with user supplied data.

$expression : ExpressionInterface|string|null = null

The expression to be appended

Return values


public every([callable $c = ]) : bool

Returns true if all the results pass the callable test

$c : callable =
Return values


Compiles the SQL representation of this query and executes it using the configured connection object. Returns the resulting statement object.

public execute() : StatementInterface

Executing a query internally executes several steps, the first one is letting the connection transform this object to fit its particular dialect, this might result in generating a different Query object that will be the one to actually be executed. Immediately after, literal values are passed to the connection so they are bound to the query in a safe way. Finally, the resulting statement is decorated with custom objects to execute callbacks for each row retrieved if necessary.

Resulting statement is traversable, so it can be used in any loop as you would with an array.

This method can be overridden in query subclasses to decorate behavior around query execution.

Return values


Returns a new QueryExpression object. This is a handy function when building complex queries using a fluent interface. You can also override this function in subclasses to use a more specialized QueryExpression class if required.

public expr([ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $rawExpression = null ]) : QueryExpression

You can optionally pass a single raw SQL string or an array or expressions in any format accepted by \Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression:

$expression = $query->expr(); // Returns an empty expression object
$expression = $query->expr('Table.column = Table2.column'); // Return a raw SQL expression
$rawExpression : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null

A string, array or anything you want wrapped in an expression object

Return values


Apply custom finds to against an existing query object.

public find(string $finder[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : static
$finder : string

The finder method to use.

$options : array<string, mixed> = []

The options for the finder.



Return values

Returns a modified query.


Returns the first result out of executing this query, if the query has not been executed before, it will set the limit clause to 1 for performance reasons.

public first() : EntityInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|null


$singleUser = $query->select(['id', 'username'])->first();
Return values
EntityInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|null

The first result from the ResultSet.


Registers a new formatter callback function that is to be executed when trying to fetch the results from the database.

public formatResults([callable|null $formatter = null ][, int|bool $mode = self::APPEND ]) : $this

If the second argument is set to true, it will erase previous formatters and replace them with the passed first argument.

Callbacks are required to return an iterator object, which will be used as the return value for this query's result. Formatter functions are applied after all the MapReduce routines for this query have been executed.

Formatting callbacks will receive two arguments, the first one being an object implementing \Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface, that can be traversed and modified at will. The second one being the query instance on which the formatter callback is being applied.

Usually the query instance received by the formatter callback is the same query instance on which the callback was attached to, except for in a joined association, in that case the callback will be invoked on the association source side query, and it will receive that query instance instead of the one on which the callback was originally attached to - see the examples below!


Return all results from the table indexed by id:

$query->select(['id', 'name'])->formatResults(function ($results) {
    return $results->indexBy('id');

Add a new column to the ResultSet:

$query->select(['name', 'birth_date'])->formatResults(function ($results) {
    return $results->map(function ($row) {
        $row['age'] = $row['birth_date']->diff(new DateTime)->y;

        return $row;

Add a new column to the results with respect to the query's hydration configuration:

$query->formatResults(function ($results, $query) {
    return $results->map(function ($row) use ($query) {
        $data = [
            'bar' => 'baz',

        if ($query->isHydrationEnabled()) {
            $row['foo'] = new Foo($data)
        } else {
            $row['foo'] = $data;

        return $row;

Retaining access to the association target query instance of joined associations, by inheriting the contain callback's query argument:

// Assuming a `Articles belongsTo Authors` association that uses the join strategy

$articlesQuery->contain('Authors', function ($authorsQuery) {
    return $authorsQuery->formatResults(function ($results, $query) use ($authorsQuery) {
        // Here `$authorsQuery` will always be the instance
        // where the callback was attached to.

        // The instance passed to the callback in the second
        // argument (`$query`), will be the one where the
        // callback is actually being applied to, in this
        // example that would be `$articlesQuery`.

        // ...

        return $results;
$formatter : callable|null = null

The formatting callable.

$mode : int|bool = self::APPEND

Whether to overwrite, append or prepend the formatter.

Return values


Adds a single or multiple tables to be used in the FROM clause for this query.

public from([array<string|int, mixed>|string $tables = [] ][, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

Tables can be passed as an array of strings, array of expression objects, a single expression or a single string.

If an array is passed, keys will be used to alias tables using the value as the real field to be aliased. It is possible to alias strings, ExpressionInterface objects or even other Query objects.

By default this function will append any passed argument to the list of tables to be selected from, unless the second argument is set to true.

This method can be used for select, update and delete statements.


$query->from(['p' => 'posts']); // Produces FROM posts p
$query->from('authors'); // Appends authors: FROM posts p, authors
$query->from(['products'], true); // Resets the list: FROM products
$query->from(['sub' => $countQuery]); // FROM (SELECT ...) sub
$tables : array<string|int, mixed>|string = []

tables to be added to the list. This argument, can be passed as an array of strings, array of expression objects, or a single string. See the examples above for the valid call types.

$overwrite : bool = false

whether to reset tables with passed list or not

Return values


Returns an instance of a functions builder object that can be used for generating arbitrary SQL functions.

public func() : FunctionsBuilder


$query->func()->dateDiff(['2012-01-05', '2012-01-02'])
Return values


Gets the connection instance to be used for executing and transforming this query.

public getConnection() : Connection
Return values


public getContain() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets default types of current type map.

public getDefaultTypes() : array<int|string, string>
Return values
array<int|string, string>


Executes this query and returns a results iterator. This function is required for implementing the IteratorAggregate interface and allows the query to be iterated without having to call execute() manually, thus making it look like a result set instead of the query itself.

public getIterator() : ResultSetInterface


Return values


Returns the list of previously registered map reduce routines.

public getMapReducers() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns an array with the custom options that were applied to this query and that were not already processed by another method in this class.

public getOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>


 $query->applyOptions(['doABarrelRoll' => true, 'fields' => ['id', 'name']);
 $query->getOptions(); // Returns ['doABarrelRoll' => true]

to read about the options that will be processed by this class and not returned by this function

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the default repository object that will be used by this query, that is, the repository that will appear in the from clause.

public getRepository() : Table

Returns the default table object that will be used by this query, that is, the table that will appear in the from clause.

Return values


Returns the list of previously registered format routines.

public getResultFormatters() : array<string|int, callable>
Return values
array<string|int, callable>


Gets the TypeMap class where the types for each of the fields in the select clause are stored.

public getSelectTypeMap() : TypeMap
Return values


Returns the currently used ValueBinder instance.

public getValueBinder() : ValueBinder

A ValueBinder is responsible for generating query placeholders and temporarily associate values to those placeholders so that they can be passed correctly to the statement object.

Return values


Adds a single or multiple fields to be used in the GROUP BY clause for this query.

public group(ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string $fields[, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

Fields can be passed as an array of strings, array of expression objects, a single expression or a single string.

By default this function will append any passed argument to the list of fields to be grouped, unless the second argument is set to true.


// Produces GROUP BY id, title
$query->group(['id', 'title']);

// Produces GROUP BY title

Group fields are not suitable for use with user supplied data as they are not sanitized by the query builder.

$fields : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string

fields to be added to the list

$overwrite : bool = false

whether to reset fields with passed list or not

Return values


Adds a condition or set of conditions to be used in the `HAVING` clause for this query. This method operates in exactly the same way as the method `where()` does. Please refer to its documentation for an insight on how to using each parameter.

public having([ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $conditions = null ][, array<string, string> $types = [] ][, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

Having fields are not suitable for use with user supplied data as they are not sanitized by the query builder.

$conditions : ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null

The having conditions.

$types : array<string, string> = []

Associative array of type names used to bind values to query

$overwrite : bool = false

whether to reset conditions with passed list or not

Return values


Creates an expression that refers to an identifier. Identifiers are used to refer to field names and allow the SQL compiler to apply quotes or escape the identifier.

public identifier(string $identifier) : ExpressionInterface

The value is used as is, and you might be required to use aliases or include the table reference in the identifier. Do not use this method to inject SQL methods or logical statements.


$query->newExpr()->lte('count', $query->identifier('total'));
$identifier : string

The identifier for an expression

Return values


Adds a single `INNER JOIN` clause to the query.

public innerJoin(array<string, mixed>|string $table[, ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string $conditions = [] ][, array<string, string> $types = [] ]) : $this

This is a shorthand method for building joins via join().

The arguments of this method are identical to the leftJoin() shorthand, please refer to that method's description for further details.

$table : array<string, mixed>|string

The table to join with

$conditions : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string = []

The conditions to use for joining.

$types : array<string, string> = []

a list of types associated to the conditions used for converting values to the corresponding database representation.

Return values


Creates an INNER JOIN with the passed association table while preserving the foreign key matching and the custom conditions that were originally set for it.

public innerJoinWith(string $assoc[, callable|null $builder = null ]) : $this

This function will add entries in the contain graph.


// Bring only articles that were tagged with 'cake'
$query->innerJoinWith('Tags', function ($q) {
    return $q->where(['name' => 'cake']);

This will create the following SQL:

SELECT Articles.*
FROM articles Articles
INNER JOIN tags Tags ON = 'cake'
INNER JOIN articles_tags ArticlesTags ON ArticlesTags.tag_id =
  AND ArticlesTags.articles_id =

This function works the same as matching() with the difference that it will select no fields from the association.

$assoc : string

The association to join with

$builder : callable|null = null

a function that will receive a pre-made query object that can be used to add custom conditions or selecting some fields

Return values


Create an insert query.

public insert(array<string|int, mixed> $columns[, array<string|int, string> $types = [] ]) : $this

This changes the query type to be 'insert'. Note calling this method will reset any data previously set with Query::values()

Can be combined with the where() method to create delete queries.

$columns : array<string|int, mixed>

The columns to insert into.

$types : array<string|int, string> = []

A map between columns & their datatypes.

Return values


Set the table name for insert queries.

public into(string $table) : $this
$table : string

The table name to insert into.

Return values


Gets whether the ORM should automatically append fields.

public isAutoFieldsEnabled() : bool|null

By default calling select() will disable auto-fields. You can re-enable auto-fields with enableAutoFields().

Return values

The current value. Returns null if neither enabled or disabled yet.


Returns whether buffered results are enabled/disabled.

public isBufferedResultsEnabled() : bool

When enabled the results returned by this Query will be buffered. This enables you to iterate a result set multiple times, or both cache and iterate it.

When disabled it will consume less memory as fetched results are not remembered for future iterations.

Return values


Returns the current configured query `_eagerLoaded` value

public isEagerLoaded() : bool
Return values


public isEmpty() : bool

Returns true if this query found no results.

Return values


Returns the current hydration mode.

public isHydrationEnabled() : bool
Return values


Returns whether result casting is enabled/disabled.

public isResultsCastingEnabled() : bool

When enabled, the fields in the results returned by this Query will be casted to their corresponding PHP data type.

When disabled, the fields will be returned as received from the database driver (which in most environments means they are being returned as strings), which can improve performance with larger datasets.

Return values


Adds a single or multiple tables to be used as JOIN clauses to this query.

public join(array<string, mixed>|string $tables[, array<string, string> $types = [] ][, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

Tables can be passed as an array of strings, an array describing the join parts, an array with multiple join descriptions, or a single string.

By default this function will append any passed argument to the list of tables to be joined, unless the third argument is set to true.

When no join type is specified an INNER JOIN is used by default: $query->join(['authors']) will produce INNER JOIN authors ON 1 = 1

It is also possible to alias joins using the array key: $query->join(['a' => 'authors']) will produce INNER JOIN authors a ON 1 = 1

A join can be fully described and aliased using the array notation:

    'a' => [
        'table' => 'authors',
        'type' => 'LEFT',
        'conditions' => ' = b.author_id'
// Produces LEFT JOIN authors a ON = b.author_id

You can even specify multiple joins in an array, including the full description:

    'a' => [
        'table' => 'authors',
        'type' => 'LEFT',
        'conditions' => ' = b.author_id'
    'p' => [
        'table' => 'publishers',
        'type' => 'INNER',
        'conditions' => ' = b.publisher_id AND = "Cake Software Foundation"'
// LEFT JOIN authors a ON = b.author_id
// INNER JOIN publishers p ON = b.publisher_id AND = "Cake Software Foundation"

Using conditions and types

Conditions can be expressed, as in the examples above, using a string for comparing columns, or string with already quoted literal values. Additionally it is possible to use conditions expressed in arrays or expression objects.

When using arrays for expressing conditions, it is often desirable to convert the literal values to the correct database representation. This is achieved using the second parameter of this function.

$query->join(['a' => [
    'table' => 'articles',
    'conditions' => [
        'a.posted >=' => new DateTime('-3 days'),
        'a.published' => true,
        'a.author_id ='
]], ['a.posted' => 'datetime', 'a.published' => 'boolean'])

Overwriting joins

When creating aliased joins using the array notation, you can override previous join definitions by using the same alias in consequent calls to this function or you can replace all previously defined joins with another list if the third parameter for this function is set to true.

$query->join(['alias' => 'table']); // joins table with as alias
$query->join(['alias' => 'another_table']); // joins another_table with as alias
$query->join(['something' => 'different_table'], [], true); // resets joins list
$tables : array<string, mixed>|string

list of tables to be joined in the query

$types : array<string, string> = []

Associative array of type names used to bind values to query

$overwrite : bool = false

whether to reset joins with passed list or not

Return values


Executes the query and converts the result set into JSON.

public jsonSerialize() : ResultSetInterface

Part of JsonSerializable interface.

Return values

The data to convert to JSON.


public last() : mixed

Return the last row of the query result


Adds a single `LEFT JOIN` clause to the query.

public leftJoin(array<string, mixed>|string $table[, ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string $conditions = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $types = [] ]) : $this

This is a shorthand method for building joins via join().

The table name can be passed as a string, or as an array in case it needs to be aliased:

// LEFT JOIN authors ON = posts.author_id
$query->leftJoin('authors', ' = posts.author_id');

// LEFT JOIN authors a ON = posts.author_id
$query->leftJoin(['a' => 'authors'], ' = posts.author_id');

Conditions can be passed as strings, arrays, or expression objects. When using arrays it is possible to combine them with the $types parameter in order to define how to convert the values:

$query->leftJoin(['a' => 'articles'], [
     'a.posted >=' => new DateTime('-3 days'),
     'a.published' => true,
     'a.author_id ='
], ['a.posted' => 'datetime', 'a.published' => 'boolean']);

See join() for further details on conditions and types.

$table : array<string, mixed>|string

The table to join with

$conditions : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string = []

The conditions to use for joining.

$types : array<string|int, mixed> = []

a list of types associated to the conditions used for converting values to the corresponding database representation.

Return values


Creates a LEFT JOIN with the passed association table while preserving the foreign key matching and the custom conditions that were originally set for it.

public leftJoinWith(string $assoc[, callable|null $builder = null ]) : $this

This function will add entries in the contain graph.


// Get the count of articles per user
    ->select(['total_articles' => $query->func()->count('')])

You can also customize the conditions passed to the LEFT JOIN:

// Get the count of articles per user with at least 5 votes
    ->select(['total_articles' => $query->func()->count('')])
    ->leftJoinWith('Articles', function ($q) {
        return $q->where(['Articles.votes >=' => 5]);

This will create the following SQL:

SELECT COUNT( AS total_articles, Users.*
FROM users Users
LEFT JOIN articles Articles ON Articles.user_id = AND Articles.votes >= 5

It is possible to left join deep associations by using dot notation


// Total comments in articles by 'markstory'
    ->select(['total_comments' => $query->func()->count('')])
    ->leftJoinWith('Comments.Users', function ($q) {
        return $q->where(['username' => 'markstory']);

Please note that the query passed to the closure will only accept calling select, where, andWhere and orWhere on it. If you wish to add more complex clauses you can do it directly in the main query.

$assoc : string

The association to join with

$builder : callable|null = null

a function that will receive a pre-made query object that can be used to add custom conditions or selecting some fields

Return values


Sets the number of records that should be retrieved from database, accepts an integer or an expression object that evaluates to an integer.

public limit(ExpressionInterface|int|null $limit) : $this

In some databases, this operation might not be supported or will require the query to be transformed in order to limit the result set size.


$query->limit(10) // generates LIMIT 10
$query->limit($query->newExpr()->add(['1 + 1'])); // LIMIT (1 + 1)
$limit : ExpressionInterface|int|null

number of records to be returned

Return values


Register a new MapReduce routine to be executed on top of the database results Both the mapper and caller callable should be invokable objects.

public mapReduce([callable|null $mapper = null ][, callable|null $reducer = null ][, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

The MapReduce routing will only be run when the query is executed and the first result is attempted to be fetched.

If the third argument is set to true, it will erase previous map reducers and replace it with the arguments passed.

$mapper : callable|null = null

The mapper callable.

$reducer : callable|null = null

The reducing function.

$overwrite : bool = false

Set to true to overwrite existing map + reduce functions.


for details on how to use emit data to the map reducer.

Return values


Adds filtering conditions to this query to only bring rows that have a relation to another from an associated table, based on conditions in the associated table.

public matching(string $assoc[, callable|null $builder = null ]) : $this

This function will add entries in the contain graph.


// Bring only articles that were tagged with 'cake'
$query->matching('Tags', function ($q) {
    return $q->where(['name' => 'cake']);

It is possible to filter by deep associations by using dot notation:


// Bring only articles that were commented by 'markstory'
$query->matching('Comments.Users', function ($q) {
    return $q->where(['username' => 'markstory']);

As this function will create INNER JOIN, you might want to consider calling distinct on this query as you might get duplicate rows if your conditions don't filter them already. This might be the case, for example, of the same user commenting more than once in the same article.


// Bring unique articles that were commented by 'markstory'
    ->matching('Comments.Users', function ($q) {
        return $q->where(['username' => 'markstory']);

Please note that the query passed to the closure will only accept calling select, where, andWhere and orWhere on it. If you wish to add more complex clauses you can do it directly in the main query.

$assoc : string

The association to filter by

$builder : callable|null = null

a function that will receive a pre-made query object that can be used to add custom conditions or selecting some fields

Return values


public max([mixed $field = ]) : mixed

Returns the maximum value for a single column in all the results.

$field : mixed =


public min([mixed $field = ]) : mixed

Returns the minimum value for a single column in all the results.

$field : mixed =


Adds a single or multiple `SELECT` modifiers to be used in the `SELECT`.

public modifier(ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string $modifiers[, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

By default this function will append any passed argument to the list of modifiers to be applied, unless the second argument is set to true.


// Ignore cache query in MySQL
$query->select(['name', 'city'])->from('products')->modifier('SQL_NO_CACHE');
// It will produce the SQL: SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE name, city FROM products

// Or with multiple modifiers
$query->select(['name', 'city'])->from('products')->modifier(['HIGH_PRIORITY', 'SQL_NO_CACHE']);
// It will produce the SQL: SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY SQL_NO_CACHE name, city FROM products
$modifiers : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string

modifiers to be applied to the query

$overwrite : bool = false

whether to reset order with field list or not

Return values


public nest([mixed $k = ][, mixed $p = ][, mixed $n = '\'children\'' ]) : CollectionInterface

Creates a tree structure by nesting the values of column $p into that with the same value for $k using $n as the nesting key.

$k : mixed =
$p : mixed =
$n : mixed = '\'children\''
Return values


Returns a new QueryExpression object. This is a handy function when building complex queries using a fluent interface. You can also override this function in subclasses to use a more specialized QueryExpression class if required.

public newExpr([ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $rawExpression = null ]) : QueryExpression

You can optionally pass a single raw SQL string or an array or expressions in any format accepted by \Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression:

$expression = $query->expr(); // Returns an empty expression object
$expression = $query->expr('Table.column = Table2.column'); // Return a raw SQL expression
$rawExpression : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null

A string, array or anything you want wrapped in an expression object

Return values


Adds filtering conditions to this query to only bring rows that have no match to another from an associated table, based on conditions in the associated table.

public notMatching(string $assoc[, callable|null $builder = null ]) : $this

This function will add entries in the contain graph.


// Bring only articles that were not tagged with 'cake'
$query->notMatching('Tags', function ($q) {
    return $q->where(['name' => 'cake']);

It is possible to filter by deep associations by using dot notation:


// Bring only articles that weren't commented by 'markstory'
$query->notMatching('Comments.Users', function ($q) {
    return $q->where(['username' => 'markstory']);

As this function will create a LEFT JOIN, you might want to consider calling distinct on this query as you might get duplicate rows if your conditions don't filter them already. This might be the case, for example, of the same article having multiple comments.


// Bring unique articles that were commented by 'markstory'
    ->notMatching('Comments.Users', function ($q) {
        return $q->where(['username' => 'markstory']);

Please note that the query passed to the closure will only accept calling select, where, andWhere and orWhere on it. If you wish to add more complex clauses you can do it directly in the main query.

$assoc : string

The association to filter by

$builder : callable|null = null

a function that will receive a pre-made query object that can be used to add custom conditions or selecting some fields

Return values


Sets the number of records that should be skipped from the original result set This is commonly used for paginating large results. Accepts an integer or an expression object that evaluates to an integer.

public offset(ExpressionInterface|int|null $offset) : $this

In some databases, this operation might not be supported or will require the query to be transformed in order to limit the result set size.


$query->offset(10) // generates OFFSET 10
$query->offset($query->newExpr()->add(['1 + 1'])); // OFFSET (1 + 1)
$offset : ExpressionInterface|int|null

number of records to be skipped

Return values


Adds a single or multiple fields to be used in the ORDER clause for this query.

public order(ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string $fields[, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

Fields can be passed as an array of strings, array of expression objects, a single expression or a single string.

If an array is passed, keys will be used as the field itself and the value will represent the order in which such field should be ordered. When called multiple times with the same fields as key, the last order definition will prevail over the others.

By default this function will append any passed argument to the list of fields to be selected, unless the second argument is set to true.


$query->order(['title' => 'DESC', 'author_id' => 'ASC']);


ORDER BY title DESC, author_id ASC

    ->order(['title' => $query->newExpr('DESC NULLS FIRST')])

Will generate:

ORDER BY title DESC NULLS FIRST, author_id

$expression = $query->newExpr()->add(['id % 2 = 0']);
$query->order($expression)->order(['title' => 'ASC']);


$query->order(function ($exp, $query) {
    return [$exp->add(['id % 2 = 0']), 'title' => 'ASC'];

Will both become:

ORDER BY (id %2 = 0), title ASC

Order fields/directions are not sanitized by the query builder. You should use an allowed list of fields/directions when passing in user-supplied data to order().

If you need to set complex expressions as order conditions, you should use orderAsc() or orderDesc().

$fields : ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string

fields to be added to the list

$overwrite : bool = false

whether to reset order with field list or not

Return values


Add an ORDER BY clause with an ASC direction.

public orderAsc(ExpressionInterface|Closure|string $field[, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

This method allows you to set complex expressions as order conditions unlike order()

Order fields are not suitable for use with user supplied data as they are not sanitized by the query builder.

$field : ExpressionInterface|Closure|string

The field to order on.

$overwrite : bool = false

Whether to reset the order clauses.

Return values


Add an ORDER BY clause with a DESC direction.

public orderDesc(ExpressionInterface|Closure|string $field[, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

This method allows you to set complex expressions as order conditions unlike order()

Order fields are not suitable for use with user supplied data as they are not sanitized by the query builder.

$field : ExpressionInterface|Closure|string

The field to order on.

$overwrite : bool = false

Whether to reset the order clauses.

Return values


Set the page of results you want.

public page(int $num[, int|null $limit = null ]) : $this

This method provides an easier to use interface to set the limit + offset in the record set you want as results. If empty the limit will default to the existing limit clause, and if that too is empty, then 25 will be used.

Pages must start at 1.

$num : int

The page number you want.

$limit : int|null = null

The number of rows you want in the page. If null the current limit clause will be used.


If page number < 1.

Return values


public reduce([callable $c = ][, mixed $zero = null ]) : mixed

Folds all the results into a single value using the callable.

$c : callable =
$zero : mixed = null


Remove a join if it has been defined.

public removeJoin(string $name) : $this

Useful when you are redefining joins or want to re-order the join clauses.

$name : string

The alias/name of the join to remove.

Return values


Adds a single `RIGHT JOIN` clause to the query.

public rightJoin(array<string, mixed>|string $table[, ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string $conditions = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $types = [] ]) : $this

This is a shorthand method for building joins via join().

The arguments of this method are identical to the leftJoin() shorthand, please refer to that methods description for further details.

$table : array<string, mixed>|string

The table to join with

$conditions : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string = []

The conditions to use for joining.

$types : array<string|int, mixed> = []

a list of types associated to the conditions used for converting values to the corresponding database representation.

Return values


Executes the SQL of this query and immediately closes the statement before returning the row count of records changed.

public rowCountAndClose() : int

This method can be used with UPDATE and DELETE queries, but is not recommended for SELECT queries and is not used to count records.


$rowCount = $query->update('articles')

The above example will change the published column to true for all false records, and return the number of records that were updated.

Return values


Adds new fields to be returned by a `SELECT` statement when this query is executed. Fields can be passed as an array of strings, array of expression objects, a single expression or a single string.

public select([ExpressionInterface|Table|Association|callable|array<string|int, mixed>|string $fields = [] ][, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

If an array is passed, keys will be used to alias fields using the value as the real field to be aliased. It is possible to alias strings, Expression objects or even other Query objects.

If a callable function is passed, the returning array of the function will be used as the list of fields.

By default this function will append any passed argument to the list of fields to be selected, unless the second argument is set to true.


$query->select(['id', 'title']); // Produces SELECT id, title
$query->select(['author' => 'author_id']); // Appends author: SELECT id, title, author_id as author
$query->select('id', true); // Resets the list: SELECT id
$query->select(['total' => $countQuery]); // SELECT id, (SELECT ...) AS total
$query->select(function ($query) {
    return ['article_id', 'total' => $query->count('*')];

By default no fields are selected, if you have an instance of Cake\ORM\Query and try to append fields you should also call Cake\ORM\Query::enableAutoFields() to select the default fields from the table.

If you pass an instance of a Cake\ORM\Table or Cake\ORM\Association class, all the fields in the schema of the table or the association will be added to the select clause.

$fields : ExpressionInterface|Table|Association|callable|array<string|int, mixed>|string = []

Fields to be added to the list.

$overwrite : bool = false

whether to reset fields with passed list or not

Return values


All the fields associated with the passed table except the excluded fields will be added to the select clause of the query. Passed excluded fields should not be aliased.

public selectAllExcept(Table|Association $table, array<string|int, string> $excludedFields[, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

After the first call to this method, a second call cannot be used to remove fields that have already been added to the query by the first. If you need to change the list after the first call, pass overwrite boolean true which will reset the select clause removing all previous additions.

$table : Table|Association

The table to use to get an array of columns

$excludedFields : array<string|int, string>

The un-aliased column names you do not want selected from $table

$overwrite : bool = false

Whether to reset/remove previous selected fields


If Association|Table is not passed in first argument

Return values


Set one or many fields to update.

public set(QueryExpression|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string $key[, mixed $value = null ][, array<string, string>|string $types = [] ]) : $this


Passing a string:

$query->update('articles')->set('title', 'The Title');

Passing an array:

$query->update('articles')->set(['title' => 'The Title'], ['title' => 'string']);

Passing a callable:

$query->update('articles')->set(function ($exp) {
  return $exp->eq('title', 'The title', 'string');
$key : QueryExpression|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string

The column name or array of keys

  • values to set. This can also be a QueryExpression containing a SQL fragment. It can also be a Closure, that is required to return an expression object.
$value : mixed = null

The value to update $key to. Can be null if $key is an array or QueryExpression. When $key is an array, this parameter will be used as $types instead.

$types : array<string, string>|string = []

The column types to treat data as.

Return values


Sets the connection instance to be used for executing and transforming this query.

public setConnection(Connection $connection) : $this
$connection : Connection

Connection instance

Return values


Overwrite the default type mappings for fields in the implementing object.

public setDefaultTypes(array<int|string, string> $types) : $this

This method is useful if you need to set type mappings that are shared across multiple functions/expressions in a query.

To add a default without overwriting existing ones use getTypeMap()->addDefaults()

$types : array<int|string, string>

The array of types to set.

Return values


Sets the instance of the eager loader class to use for loading associations and storing containments.

public setEagerLoader(EagerLoader $instance) : $this
$instance : EagerLoader

The eager loader to use.

Return values


Set the result set for a query.

public setResult(iterable<string|int, mixed> $results) : $this

Setting the resultset of a query will make execute() a no-op. Instead of executing the SQL query and fetching results, the ResultSet provided to this method will be returned.

This method is most useful when combined with results stored in a persistent cache.

$results : iterable<string|int, mixed>

The results this query should return.

Return values


Sets the TypeMap class where the types for each of the fields in the select clause are stored.

public setSelectTypeMap(TypeMap $typeMap) : $this
$typeMap : TypeMap

The map object to use

Return values


Creates a new TypeMap if $typeMap is an array, otherwise exchanges it for the given one.

public setTypeMap(TypeMap|array<string|int, mixed> $typeMap) : $this
$typeMap : TypeMap|array<string|int, mixed>

Creates a TypeMap if array, otherwise sets the given TypeMap

Return values


Overwrite the current value binder

public setValueBinder(ValueBinder|null $binder) : $this

A ValueBinder is responsible for generating query placeholders and temporarily associate values to those placeholders so that they can be passed correctly to the statement object.

$binder : ValueBinder|null

The binder or null to disable binding.

Return values


public some([callable $c = ]) : bool

Returns true if at least one of the results pass the callable test

$c : callable =
Return values


public sortBy([callable|string $path = ][, int $order = \SORT_DESC ][, int $sort = \SORT_NUMERIC ]) : CollectionInterface

Sorts the query with the callback

$path : callable|string =
$order : int = \SORT_DESC
$sort : int = \SORT_NUMERIC
Return values


Returns the SQL representation of this object.

public sql([ValueBinder|null $binder = null ]) : string
$binder : ValueBinder|null = null

Value binder that generates parameter placeholders

Return values


Returns a new Query that has automatic field aliasing disabled.

public static subquery(Table $table) : static
$table : Table

The table this query is starting on

Return values


public sumOf([callable|string $field = ]) : float

Returns the sum of all values for a single column

$field : callable|string =
Return values


Returns an array representation of the results after executing the query.

public toArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns an array representation of the results after executing the query.

public toArray() : array<string|int, mixed>

Returns a key-value array with the results of this query.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public toList() : array<string|int, mixed>

Returns a numerically indexed array with the results of this query.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Will iterate over every specified part. Traversing functions can aggregate results using variables in the closure or instance variables. This function is commonly used as a way for traversing all query parts that are going to be used for constructing a query.

public traverse(callable $callback) : $this

The callback will receive 2 parameters, the first one is the value of the query part that is being iterated and the second the name of such part.


$query->select(['title'])->from('articles')->traverse(function ($value, $clause) {
    if ($clause === 'select') {
$callback : callable

A function or callable to be executed for each part

Return values


This function works similar to the traverse() function, with the difference that it does a full depth traversal of the entire expression tree. This will execute the provided callback function for each ExpressionInterface object that is stored inside this query at any nesting depth in any part of the query.

public traverseExpressions(callable $callback) : $this

Callback will receive as first parameter the currently visited expression.

$callback : callable

the function to be executed for each ExpressionInterface found inside this query.

Return values


Will iterate over the provided parts.

public traverseParts(callable $visitor, array<string|int, string> $parts) : $this

Traversing functions can aggregate results using variables in the closure or instance variables. This method can be used to traverse a subset of query parts in order to render a SQL query.

The callback will receive 2 parameters, the first one is the value of the query part that is being iterated and the second the name of such part.


$query->select(['title'])->from('articles')->traverse(function ($value, $clause) {
    if ($clause === 'select') {
}, ['select', 'from']);
$visitor : callable

A function or callable to be executed for each part

$parts : array<string|int, string>

The list of query parts to traverse

Return values


Trigger the beforeFind event on the query's repository object.

public triggerBeforeFind() : void

Will not trigger more than once, and only for select queries.


Returns the type of this query (select, insert, update, delete)

public type() : string
Return values


Adds a complete query to be used in conjunction with an UNION operator with this query. This is used to combine the result set of this query with the one that will be returned by the passed query. You can add as many queries as you required by calling multiple times this method with different queries.

public union(Query|string $query[, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

By default, the UNION operator will remove duplicate rows, if you wish to include every row for all queries, use unionAll().


$union = (new Query($conn))->select(['id', 'title'])->from(['a' => 'articles']);
$query->select(['id', 'name'])->from(['d' => 'things'])->union($union);

Will produce:

SELECT id, name FROM things d UNION SELECT id, title FROM articles a

$query : Query|string

full SQL query to be used in UNION operator

$overwrite : bool = false

whether to reset the list of queries to be operated or not

Return values


Adds a complete query to be used in conjunction with the UNION ALL operator with this query. This is used to combine the result set of this query with the one that will be returned by the passed query. You can add as many queries as you required by calling multiple times this method with different queries.

public unionAll(Query|string $query[, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

Unlike UNION, UNION ALL will not remove duplicate rows.

$union = (new Query($conn))->select(['id', 'title'])->from(['a' => 'articles']);
$query->select(['id', 'name'])->from(['d' => 'things'])->unionAll($union);

Will produce:

SELECT id, name FROM things d UNION ALL SELECT id, title FROM articles a

$query : Query|string

full SQL query to be used in UNION operator

$overwrite : bool = false

whether to reset the list of queries to be operated or not

Return values


Create an update query.

public update([ExpressionInterface|string|null $table = null ]) : $this

This changes the query type to be 'update'. Can be combined with set() and where() methods to create update queries.

$table : ExpressionInterface|string|null = null

Unused parameter.

Return values


Set the values for an insert query.

public values(ValuesExpression|Query|array<string|int, mixed> $data) : $this

Multi inserts can be performed by calling values() more than one time, or by providing an array of value sets. Additionally $data can be a Query instance to insert data from another SELECT statement.

$data : ValuesExpression|Query|array<string|int, mixed>

The data to insert.


if you try to set values before declaring columns. Or if you try to set values on non-insert queries.

Return values


Adds a condition or set of conditions to be used in the WHERE clause for this query. Conditions can be expressed as an array of fields as keys with comparison operators in it, the values for the array will be used for comparing the field to such literal. Finally, conditions can be expressed as a single string or an array of strings.

public where([ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $conditions = null ][, array<string, string> $types = [] ][, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

When using arrays, each entry will be joined to the rest of the conditions using an AND operator. Consecutive calls to this function will also join the new conditions specified using the AND operator. Additionally, values can be expressed using expression objects which can include other query objects.

Any conditions created with this methods can be used with any SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE type of queries.

Conditions using operators:

    'posted >=' => new DateTime('3 days ago'),
    'title LIKE' => 'Hello W%',
    'author_id' => 1,
], ['posted' => 'datetime']);

The previous example produces:

WHERE posted >= 2012-01-27 AND title LIKE 'Hello W%' AND author_id = 1

Second parameter is used to specify what type is expected for each passed key. Valid types can be used from the mapped with Database\Type class.

Nesting conditions with conjunctions:

    'author_id !=' => 1,
    'OR' => ['published' => true, 'posted <' => new DateTime('now')],
    'NOT' => ['title' => 'Hello']
], ['published' => boolean, 'posted' => 'datetime']

The previous example produces:

WHERE author_id = 1 AND (published = 1 OR posted < '2012-02-01') AND NOT (title = 'Hello')

You can nest conditions using conjunctions as much as you like. Sometimes, you may want to define 2 different options for the same key, in that case, you can wrap each condition inside a new array:

$query->where(['OR' => [['published' => false], ['published' => true]])

Would result in:

WHERE (published = false) OR (published = true)

Keep in mind that every time you call where() with the third param set to false (default), it will join the passed conditions to the previous stored list using the AND operator. Also, using the same array key twice in consecutive calls to this method will not override the previous value.

Using expressions objects:

$exp = $query->newExpr()->add(['id !=' => 100, 'author_id' != 1])->tieWith('OR');
$query->where(['published' => true], ['published' => 'boolean'])->where($exp);

The previous example produces:

WHERE (id != 100 OR author_id != 1) AND published = 1

Other Query objects that be used as conditions for any field.

Adding conditions in multiple steps:

You can use callable functions to construct complex expressions, functions receive as first argument a new QueryExpression object and this query instance as second argument. Functions must return an expression object, that will be added the list of conditions for the query using the AND operator.

  ->where(['title !=' => 'Hello World'])
  ->where(function ($exp, $query) {
    $or = $exp->or(['id' => 1]);
    $and = $exp->and(['id >' => 2, 'id <' => 10]);
   return $or->add($and);
  • The previous example produces:

WHERE title != 'Hello World' AND (id = 1 OR (id > 2 AND id < 10))

Conditions as strings:

$query->where(['articles.author_id =', 'modified IS NULL']);

The previous example produces:

WHERE articles.author_id = AND modified IS NULL

Please note that when using the array notation or the expression objects, all values will be correctly quoted and transformed to the correspondent database data type automatically for you, thus securing your application from SQL injections. The keys however, are not treated as unsafe input, and should be validated/sanitized.

If you use string conditions make sure that your values are correctly quoted. The safest thing you can do is to never use string conditions.

Using null-able values

When using values that can be null you can use the 'IS' keyword to let the ORM generate the correct SQL based on the value's type

    'posted >=' => new DateTime('3 days ago'),
    'category_id IS' => $category,

If $category is null - it will actually convert that into category_id IS NULL - if it's 4 it will convert it into category_id = 4

$conditions : ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null

The conditions to filter on.

$types : array<string, string> = []

Associative array of type names used to bind values to query

$overwrite : bool = false

whether to reset conditions with passed list or not

Return values


Adds an IN condition or set of conditions to be used in the WHERE clause for this query.

public whereInList(string $field, array<string|int, mixed> $values[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : $this

This method does allow empty inputs in contrast to where() if you set 'allowEmpty' to true. Be careful about using it without proper sanity checks.


  • types - Associative array of type names used to bind values to query
  • allowEmpty - Allow empty array.
$field : string


$values : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of values

$options : array<string, mixed> = []


Return values


Adds a NOT IN condition or set of conditions to be used in the WHERE clause for this query.

public whereNotInList(string $field, array<string|int, mixed> $values[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : $this

This method does allow empty inputs in contrast to where() if you set 'allowEmpty' to true. Be careful about using it without proper sanity checks.

$field : string


$values : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of values

$options : array<string, mixed> = []


Return values


Adds a NOT IN condition or set of conditions to be used in the WHERE clause for this query. This also allows the field to be null with a IS NULL condition since the null value would cause the NOT IN condition to always fail.

public whereNotInListOrNull(string $field, array<string|int, mixed> $values[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : $this

This method does allow empty inputs in contrast to where() if you set 'allowEmpty' to true. Be careful about using it without proper sanity checks.

$field : string


$values : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of values

$options : array<string, mixed> = []


Return values


Convenience method that adds a NOT NULL condition to the query

public whereNotNull(ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string $fields) : $this
$fields : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string

A single field or expressions or a list of them that should be not null.

Return values


Convenience method that adds a IS NULL condition to the query

public whereNull(ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string $fields) : $this
$fields : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string

A single field or expressions or a list of them that should be null.

Return values


Adds a named window expression.

public window(string $name, WindowExpression|Closure $window[, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this

You are responsible for adding windows in the order your database requires.

$name : string

Window name

$window : WindowExpression|Closure

Window expression

$overwrite : bool = false

Clear all previous query window expressions

Return values


Adds a new common table expression (CTE) to the query.

public with(CommonTableExpression|Closure $cte[, bool $overwrite = false ]) : $this


Common table expressions can either be passed as preconstructed expression objects:

$cte = new \Cake\Database\Expression\CommonTableExpression(


or returned from a closure, which will receive a new common table expression object as the first argument, and a new blank query object as the second argument:

$query->with(function (
    \Cake\Database\Expression\CommonTableExpression $cte,
    \Cake\Database\Query $query
 ) {
    $cteQuery = $query

    return $cte
$cte : CommonTableExpression|Closure

The CTE to add.

$overwrite : bool = false

Whether to reset the list of CTEs.

Return values


public zip([array<string|int, mixed>|Traversable $c = ]) : CollectionInterface

Returns the first result of both the query and $c in an array, then the second results and so on.

$c : array<string|int, mixed>|Traversable =
Return values


public zipWith([mixed $collections = ][, callable $callable = ]) : CollectionInterface

Returns each of the results out of calling $c with the first rows of the query and each of the items, then the second rows and so on.

$collections : mixed =
$callable : callable =
Return values


Used to recursively add contained association column types to the query.

protected _addAssociationsToTypeMap(Table $table, TypeMap $typeMap, array<string, array<string|int, mixed>> $associations) : void
$table : Table

The table instance to pluck associations from.

$typeMap : TypeMap

The typemap to check for columns in. This typemap is indirectly mutated via

$associations : array<string, array<string|int, mixed>>

The nested tree of associations to walk.


Inspects if there are any set fields for selecting, otherwise adds all the fields for the default table.

protected _addDefaultFields() : void


Sets the default types for converting the fields in the select clause

protected _addDefaultSelectTypes() : void


Helper function used to build conditions by composing QueryExpression objects.

protected _conjugate(string $part, ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $append, string $conjunction, array<string, string> $types) : void
$part : string

Name of the query part to append the new part to

$append : ExpressionInterface|Closure|array<string|int, mixed>|string|null

Expression or builder function to append. to append.

$conjunction : string

type of conjunction to be used to operate part

$types : array<string, string>

Associative array of type names used to bind values to query


Decorates the results iterator with MapReduce routines and formatters

protected _decorateResults(Traversable $result) : ResultSetInterface
$result : Traversable

Original results

Return values


Returns the name of the class to be used for decorating results

protected _decoratorClass() : string


Return values


Marks a query as dirty, removing any preprocessed information from in memory caching such as previous results

protected _dirty() : void


Executes this query and returns a ResultSet object containing the results.

protected _execute() : ResultSetInterface

This will also setup the correct statement class in order to eager load deep associations.

Return values


Query parts traversal method used by traverseExpressions()

protected _expressionsVisitor(ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, ExpressionInterface$expression, Closure $callback) : void
$expression : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, ExpressionInterface>

Query expression or array of expressions.

$callback : Closure

The callback to be executed for each ExpressionInterface found inside this query.


Returns an array that can be passed to the join method describing a single join clause

protected _makeJoin(array<string, mixed>|string $table, ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string $conditions, string $type) : array<string|int, mixed>
$table : array<string, mixed>|string

The table to join with

$conditions : ExpressionInterface|array<string|int, mixed>|string

The conditions to use for joining.

$type : string

the join type to use



Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Performs and returns the COUNT(*) for the query.

protected _performCount() : int
Return values


Applies some defaults to the query object before it is executed.

protected _transformQuery() : void

Specifically add the FROM clause, adds default table fields if none are specified and applies the joins required to eager load associations defined using contain

It also sets the default types for the columns in the select clause


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