Fr3nch13/CakePHP Utilities

MultiCheckboxWidget extends BasicWidget
in package
uses IdGeneratorTrait

Input widget class for generating multiple checkboxes.

This class is usually used internally by Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper, it but can be used to generate standalone multiple checkboxes.

Table of Contents


$_idPrefix  : string|null
Prefix for id attribute.
$_idSuffixes  : array<string|int, string>
A list of id suffixes used in the current rendering.
$_label  : LabelWidget
Label widget instance.
$_templates  : StringTemplate
StringTemplate instance.
$defaults  : array<string, mixed>
Data defaults.


__construct()  : mixed
Render multi-checkbox widget.
render()  : string
Render multi-checkbox widget.
secureFields()  : array<string|int, string>
Returns a list of fields that need to be secured for this widget.
_clearIds()  : void
Clear the stored ID suffixes.
_domId()  : string
Generate an ID suitable for use in an ID attribute.
_id()  : string
Generate an ID attribute for an element.
_idSuffix()  : string
Generate an ID suffix.
_isDisabled()  : bool
Helper method for deciding what options are disabled.
_isSelected()  : bool
Helper method for deciding what options are selected.
_renderInput()  : string
Render a single checkbox & wrapper.
_renderInputs()  : array<string|int, string>
Render the checkbox inputs.
mergeDefaults()  : array<string, mixed>
Merge default values with supplied data.
setMaxLength()  : array<string, mixed>
Set value for "maxlength" attribute if applicable.
setRequired()  : array<string, mixed>
Set value for "required" attribute if applicable.
setStep()  : array<string, mixed>
Set value for "step" attribute if applicable.



A list of id suffixes used in the current rendering.

protected array<string|int, string> $_idSuffixes = []


Data defaults.

protected array<string, mixed> $defaults = ['name' => '', 'escape' => true, 'options' => [], 'disabled' => null, 'val' => null, 'idPrefix' => null, 'templateVars' => [], 'label' => true]



Render multi-checkbox widget.

public __construct(StringTemplate $templates, LabelWidget $label) : mixed

This class uses the following templates:

  • checkbox Renders checkbox input controls. Accepts the name, value and attrs variables.
  • checkboxWrapper Renders the containing div/element for a checkbox and its label. Accepts the input, and label variables.
  • multicheckboxWrapper Renders a wrapper around grouped inputs.
  • multicheckboxTitle Renders the title element for grouped inputs.
$templates : StringTemplate

Templates list.

$label : LabelWidget

Label widget instance.


Render multi-checkbox widget.

public render(array<string, mixed> $data, ContextInterface $context) : string

Data supports the following options.

  • name The name attribute of the inputs to create. [] will be appended to the name.
  • options An array of options to create checkboxes out of.
  • val Either a string/integer or array of values that should be checked. Can also be a complex options set.
  • disabled Either a boolean or an array of checkboxes to disable.
  • escape Set to false to disable HTML escaping.
  • options An associative array of value=>labels to generate options for.
  • idPrefix Prefix for generated ID attributes.

Options format

The options option can take a variety of data format depending on the complexity of HTML you want generated.

You can generate simple options using a basic associative array:

'options' => ['elk' => 'Elk', 'beaver' => 'Beaver']

If you need to define additional attributes on your option elements you can use the complex form for options:

'options' => [
  ['value' => 'elk', 'text' => 'Elk', 'data-foo' => 'bar'],

This form requires that both the value and text keys be defined. If either is not set options will not be generated correctly.

$data : array<string, mixed>

The data to generate a checkbox set with.

$context : ContextInterface

The current form context.

Return values


Returns a list of fields that need to be secured for this widget.

public secureFields(array<string|int, mixed> $data) : array<string|int, string>
$data : array<string|int, mixed>

The data to render.

Return values
array<string|int, string>

Array of fields to secure.


Generate an ID suitable for use in an ID attribute.

protected _domId(string $value) : string
$value : string

The value to convert into an ID.

Return values

The generated id.


Generate an ID attribute for an element.

protected _id(string $name, string $val) : string

Ensures that id's for a given set of fields are unique.

$name : string

The ID attribute name.

$val : string

The ID attribute value.

Return values

Generated id.


Generate an ID suffix.

protected _idSuffix(string $val) : string

Ensures that id's for a given set of fields are unique.

$val : string

The ID attribute value.

Return values

Generated id suffix.


Helper method for deciding what options are disabled.

protected _isDisabled(string $key, mixed $disabled) : bool
$key : string

The key to test.

$disabled : mixed

The disabled values.

Return values


Helper method for deciding what options are selected.

protected _isSelected(string $key, array<string|int, string>|string|int|false|null $selected) : bool
$key : string

The key to test.

$selected : array<string|int, string>|string|int|false|null

The selected values.

Return values


Render a single checkbox & wrapper.

protected _renderInput(array<string, mixed> $checkbox, ContextInterface $context) : string
$checkbox : array<string, mixed>

An array containing checkbox key/value option pairs

$context : ContextInterface

Context object.

Return values


Render the checkbox inputs.

protected _renderInputs(array<string, mixed> $data, ContextInterface $context) : array<string|int, string>
$data : array<string, mixed>

The data array defining the checkboxes.

$context : ContextInterface

The current form context.

Return values
array<string|int, string>

An array of rendered inputs.


Merge default values with supplied data.

protected mergeDefaults(array<string, mixed> $data, ContextInterface $context) : array<string, mixed>
$data : array<string, mixed>

Data array

$context : ContextInterface

Context instance.

Return values
array<string, mixed>

Updated data array.


Set value for "maxlength" attribute if applicable.

protected setMaxLength(array<string, mixed> $data, ContextInterface $context, string $fieldName) : array<string, mixed>
$data : array<string, mixed>

Data array

$context : ContextInterface

Context instance.

$fieldName : string

Field name.

Return values
array<string, mixed>

Updated data array.


Set value for "required" attribute if applicable.

protected setRequired(array<string, mixed> $data, ContextInterface $context, string $fieldName) : array<string, mixed>
$data : array<string, mixed>

Data array

$context : ContextInterface

Context instance.

$fieldName : string

Field name.

Return values
array<string, mixed>

Updated data array.


Set value for "step" attribute if applicable.

protected setStep(array<string, mixed> $data, ContextInterface $context, string $fieldName) : array<string, mixed>
$data : array<string, mixed>

Data array

$context : ContextInterface

Context instance.

$fieldName : string

Field name.

Return values
array<string, mixed>

Updated data array.

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