Fr3nch13/CakePHP Utilities


Fu Model Find Trait

Used by the Controller Traits to find the Model to use.

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$fuModel  : null|string
The name of the model we're using, if it's not set, then it'll use the name of the controller, to try to figure it out.
$fuModelAlias  : null|string


traitModelFind()  : void
Used to find the model for the other taits here.



The name of the model we're using, if it's not set, then it'll use the name of the controller, to try to figure it out.

public null|string $fuModel = null

The name of the model.


public null|string $fuModelAlias = null

The model alias to use.



Used to find the model for the other taits here.

public traitModelFind() : void

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