Table of Contents
- CacheClearallCommand
- CacheClearall command.
- CacheClearCommand
- CacheClear command.
- CacheListCommand
- CacheList command.
- Command
- Base class for commands using the full stack CakePHP Framework.
- CompletionCommand
- Provide command completion shells such as bash.
- I18nCommand
- Command for interactive I18N management.
- I18nExtractCommand
- Language string extractor
- I18nInitCommand
- Command for interactive I18N management.
- PluginAssetsCopyCommand
- Command for copying plugin assets to app's webroot.
- PluginAssetsRemoveCommand
- Command for removing plugin assets from app's webroot.
- PluginAssetsSymlinkCommand
- Command for symlinking / copying plugin assets to app's webroot.
- PluginLoadCommand
- Command for loading plugins.
- PluginLoadedCommand
- Displays all currently loaded plugins.
- PluginUnloadCommand
- Command for unloading plugins.
- RoutesCheckCommand
- Provides interactive CLI tool for testing routes.
- RoutesCommand
- Provides interactive CLI tools for routing.
- RoutesGenerateCommand
- Provides interactive CLI tools for URL generation
- SchemacacheBuildCommand
- Provides CLI tool for updating schema cache.
- SchemacacheClearCommand
- Provides CLI tool for clearing schema cache.
- ServerCommand
- built-in Server command
- VersionCommand
- Print out the version of CakePHP in use.