Table of Contents
- Debug
- Middleware
- Renderer
- ErrorLoggerInterface
- Interface for error logging handlers.
- ErrorRendererInterface
- Interface for PHP error rendering implementations
- ExceptionRendererInterface
- Interface ExceptionRendererInterface
- BaseErrorHandler
- Base error handler that provides logic common to the CLI + web
error/exception handlers.
- ConsoleErrorHandler
- Error Handler for Cake console. Does simple printing of the
exception that occurred and the stack trace of the error.
- Debugger
- Provide custom logging and error handling.
- ErrorHandler
- Error Handler provides basic error and exception handling for your application. It captures and
handles all unhandled exceptions and errors. Displays helpful framework errors when debug mode is on.
- ErrorLogger
- Log errors and unhandled exceptions to `Cake\Log\Log`
- ErrorTrap
- Entry point to CakePHP's error handling.
- ExceptionRenderer
- Backwards compatible Exception Renderer.
- ExceptionTrap
- Entry point to CakePHP's exception handling.
- FatalErrorException
- Represents a fatal error
- PhpError
- Object wrapper around PHP errors that are emitted by `trigger_error()`