Table of Contents
- BadRequestException
- Represents an HTTP 400 error.
- ConflictException
- Represents an HTTP 409 error.
- ForbiddenException
- Represents an HTTP 403 error.
- GoneException
- Represents an HTTP 410 error.
- HttpException
- Parent class for all the HTTP related exceptions in CakePHP.
- InternalErrorException
- Represents an HTTP 500 error.
- InvalidCsrfTokenException
- Represents an HTTP 403 error caused by an invalid CSRF token
- MethodNotAllowedException
- Represents an HTTP 405 error.
- MissingControllerException
- Missing Controller exception - used when a controller cannot be found.
- NotAcceptableException
- Represents an HTTP 406 error.
- NotFoundException
- Represents an HTTP 404 error.
- NotImplementedException
- Not Implemented Exception - used when an API method is not implemented
- RedirectException
- An exception subclass used by routing and application code to trigger a redirect.
- ServiceUnavailableException
- Represents an HTTP 503 error.
- UnauthorizedException
- Represents an HTTP 401 error.
- UnavailableForLegalReasonsException
- Represents an HTTP 451 error.