Table of Contents
- ArticlesFixture
- Short description for class.
- ArticlesMoreTranslationsFixture
- Class ArticlesTranslationsFixture
- ArticlesTagsBindingKeysFixture
- Fixture for testing bindingKey in belongstomany associations.
- ArticlesTagsFixture
- Short description for class.
- ArticlesTranslationsFixture
- Class ArticlesTranslationsFixture
- AssertIntegrationTestCase
- This class helps in indirectly testing the functionality of IntegrationTestCase
- AttachmentsFixture
- Short description for class.
- AuthorsFixture
- Short description for class.
- AuthorsTagsFixture
- AuthorsTags fixture
- AuthorsTranslationsFixture
- Class AuthorsTranslationsFixture
- AuthUsersFixture
- Short description for class.
- BinaryUuidItemsBinaryUuidTagsFixture
- BinaryUuidItemsBinaryUuidTagsFixture
- BinaryUuidItemsFixture
- BinaryUuidItemsFixture
- BinaryUuidTagsFixture
- BinaryUuidTagsFixture
- CakeSessionsFixture
- SessionFixture
- CategoriesFixture
- Short description for class.
- ColumnSchemaAwareTypeValuesFixture
- Cake TestFixture is responsible for building and destroying tables to be used during testing.
- CommentsFixture
- Short description for class.
- CommentsTranslationsFixture
- Class CommentsTranslationsFixture
- CompositeIncrementsFixture
- Cake TestFixture is responsible for building and destroying tables to be used during testing.
- CompositeKeyArticlesFixture
- Cake TestFixture is responsible for building and destroying tables to be used during testing.
- CompositeKeyArticlesTagsFixture
- Cake TestFixture is responsible for building and destroying tables to be used during testing.
- CounterCacheCategoriesFixture
- Short description for class.
- CounterCacheCommentsFixture
- Counter Cache Test Fixtures
- CounterCachePostsFixture
- Counter Cache Test Fixtures
- CounterCacheUserCategoryPostsFixture
- CounterCache test fixture for testing binding keys.
- CounterCacheUsersFixture
- Short description for class.
- DatatypesFixture
- Fixture for testing decimal, float and bigint types
- DateKeysFixture
- Fixture for testing complex types as primary keys
- FeaturedTagsFixture
- FeaturedTagsFixture
- FixturizedTestCase
- This class helps in testing the life-cycle of fixtures inside a CakeTestCase
- MembersFixture
- MembersFixture
- MenuLinkTreesFixture
- NumberTreeFixture
- NullableAuthorsFixture
- Cake TestFixture is responsible for building and destroying tables to be used during testing.
- NumberTreesArticlesFixture
- Short description for class.
- NumberTreesFixture
- NumberTreeFixture
- OrderedUuidItemsFixture
- Class OrderedUuiditemFixture
- OrdersFixture
- OrdersFixture
- OtherArticlesFixture
- A fixture attached to the non-default connection that implements the interface with none of the safe-guards from TestFixture.
- PolymorphicTaggedFixture
- Cake TestFixture is responsible for building and destroying tables to be used during testing.
- PostsFixture
- PostFixture
- ProductsFixture
- ProductsFixture
- ProfilesFixture
- ProfileFixture
- SectionsFixture
- SectionsFixture
- SectionsMembersFixture
- SectionsMembersFixture
- SectionsTranslationsFixture
- Class SectionsTranslationsFixture
- SessionsFixture
- SessionFixture
- SiteArticlesFixture
- Cake TestFixture is responsible for building and destroying tables to be used during testing.
- SiteArticlesTagsFixture
- Cake TestFixture is responsible for building and destroying tables to be used during testing.
- SiteAuthorsFixture
- Cake TestFixture is responsible for building and destroying tables to be used during testing.
- SiteTagsFixture
- Cake TestFixture is responsible for building and destroying tables to be used during testing.
- SpecialTagsFixture
- A fixture for a join table containing additional data
- SpecialTagsTranslationsFixture
- Class SpecialTagsTranslationsFixture
- TagsFixture
- TagFixture
- TagsShadowTranslationsFixture
- Class TagsShadowTranslationsFixture
- TagsTranslationsFixture
- TagsTranslationsFixture
- TestPluginCommentsFixture
- TestPluginCommentFixture
- ThingsFixture
- Cake TestFixture is responsible for building and destroying tables to be used during testing.
- TranslatesFixture
- TranslateFixture
- UniqueAuthorsFixture
- Tables of unique author ids
- UsersFixture
- UserFixture
- UuidItemsFixture
- UuiditemFixture